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Fire Emblem Heroes Sales Stronger Overseas Than In Japan!

by on November 1, 2017

How well is Fire Emblem Heroes doing? Where is it doing the best?

At one time, Fire Emblem was thought of as a “Japan-only” Nintendo franchise, of which there are quite a few to be honest. Some things just don’t translate. However, over the last few generations of consoles and handhelds, that has changed, and now the world is singing the praises of Fire Emblem. Especially since the arrival of Fire Emblem Heroes. The game was a bit of a worry at launch, as something this scale hadn’t been done for Fire Emblem, but Nintendo and Intelligent Systems have handled it masterfully.

Which, was proven in Nintendo’s recent financial briefing. Where they revealed that not only was the game doing well, but, it was actually earning more overseas than it was in Japan. That’s pretty significant, and proof that Fire Emblem Heroes is beloved worldwide. And it doesn’t look like it’ll stop soon as the game continually gets updates, not the least of which was a Halloween banner which launched the other day.

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