Posts Tagged ‘playstation 5’

Consoles Get Their Own Version of Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood

by Peter Paltridgeon June 9, 2021
What can you play the latest ESO chapter on? As of now, it doesn’t matter what you game on…the console version of Elder Scrolls Online: Blackwood has officially launched, but is it any different than the PC version? The answer is no…the console and PC versions of Blackwood are the same game. Both add at […]
final fantasy 16

Final Fantasy 16 Is Here! The First Trailer At Least

by Peter Paltridgeon September 17, 2020
What number comes after 15? And why does it take Square Enix so long to count? The last mainline Final Fantasy game, the fifteenth in the series, was released four years ago and until now, there wasn’t a peep from the company about what would come next. September 16, the day of Sony’s most recent […]