
Well-Known Member
Actually I'm a secret paladin player because I'm still a relatively new player, and the most cost effective deck out there is secret pally easily. I don't have the cards needed for the "more-think more-win" packs such as Control Warrior or Control Priest, but oh believe me I'd love to try them.

Playing Secret Paladin is a compromise you have to do in order to win games in the current meta against people who spend a lot of cash on this game or play for longer.

Exactly, here's the thing. That's how these f2p games all end up working, and to do more would mean you would have to develop a deck on your own and think your way through an obscure and shifting meta. Nobody does that, so you see tips towards the same deck all the time


No namby pamby hand holding over FUD. EXTERMINATE!
I have developed several different decks that do well. I didn't pay and I'm not leaning towards the same deck all the time. It isn't hard to do if you pay attention and understand the game.


Well-Known Member
Right, right now I have this obscure yogg saron c'thun duplication rogue that took me to rank 6 so far, nobody is playing it and they never everrrr expect the yogg. It has pretty decent survivability against rush, but hey, a good aggro warrior draw is a good aggro warrior draw. Warrior is a lot like face hunter now :/


Well-Known Member
Right, right now I have this obscure yogg saron c'thun duplication rogue that took me to rank 6 so far, nobody is playing it and they never everrrr expect the yogg. It has pretty decent survivability against rush, but hey, a good aggro warrior draw is a good aggro warrior draw. Warrior is a lot like face hunter now :/
I agree with this statement.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean if anyone is looking forward to playing this? You make it sound like the game hasn't even come out yet.

Also what do you mean you don't fully get it? What is there to get? It's a card game that has some strategic element to it, like that of Pokemon, Magic the Gathering, The Five Rings and many other card games of a similar nature out there.

I play it occasionally with my wife and if I feel like, against random people. It's fun for about 30 minutes to an hour.


Well-Known Member
I am the same way, It is fun to play for an hour, maybe every couple weeks, but I don´t get the appeal of people who play it many hours every day. I briefly watched some hardcore guy play on twitch, and it was like he was barely paying attention. He never appeared to be forming a strategy based on what his opponent was doing. They were also finishing games by the 6th round.. which made it very simplistic.. and he was ranked very high and always winning.
I see.


Well-Known Member
Playing a game for how many hours get me bored. I don't usually play for long hours like that. My eyes get sore if I did.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean if anyone is looking forward to playing this? You make it sound like the game hasn't even come out yet.

Also what do you mean you don't fully get it? What is there to get? It's a card game that has some strategic element to it, like that of Pokemon, Magic the Gathering, The Five Rings and many other card games of a similar nature out there.

I play it occasionally with my wife and if I feel like, against random people. It's fun for about 30 minutes to an hour.
I see.


Well-Known Member
I personally dislike such kind of games, but I appreciate the effort done with it. I barely even played it, despite the fact that the concept of Heartstone was good.