
Active Member
I have played the main game before but this really does not interest me. I mean, it does a little but I don't fully get it. I am not really into card games either, maybe that is the reason for it. Is anyone looking forward to playing this?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean if anyone is looking forward to playing this? You make it sound like the game hasn't even come out yet.

Also what do you mean you don't fully get it? What is there to get? It's a card game that has some strategic element to it, like that of Pokemon, Magic the Gathering, The Five Rings and many other card games of a similar nature out there.

I play it occasionally with my wife and if I feel like, against random people. It's fun for about 30 minutes to an hour.


Well-Known Member
It's a fun game to turn on once in awhile and just relax. Even if you weren't someone who didn't play card games or like card games when you were younger, this game is still fun to play and que up a few games.

It's also one of the few games where I've had fun 6 months after I started playing and still come back to playing.


Active Member
I like hearthstone, I am not in love with it. It really has some balancing issues, and the limited field size really makes it annoying for card game players who like token decks (like me). I love the priest in it though. Basically, your opponent has 30 health. You get it to 0, you win. Priests have a way to make it so you have a 20/20 (20 attack, 20 health) creature by your third turn. It is really over powered. If you get it out, your opponent is done on turn four unless they draw a card that can get rid of said creature.


Well-Known Member
Hearthstone in my opinion is an interesting twist on the tcg genre, maybe a new type of interface that corroborates with a newer kind of gameplay, some may say a bit more simple than say other classic tcg games like Magic. Regardless I find it an interesting game that you can play for about an hour or so.


Hearthstone in my opinion is an interesting twist on the tcg genre, maybe a new type of interface that corroborates with a newer kind of gameplay, some may say a bit more simple than say other classic tcg games like Magic. Regardless I find it an interesting game that you can play for about an hour or so.

I agree with you, an hour or so is the most I can get. But realistically, I cannot figure out the insane appeal that it seems this game has. I may be missing something, but where is it innovating?


Well-Known Member
Hearthstone is a pretty simple game, but it'll give you a couple hours of enjoyment each day. It's not that it's boring, but a lot of people won't find it that interesting either. I have no problems with it, and I've put a handful of hours into it over the past few months.


Well-Known Member
I really love Hearthstone and I think that it's the best card game I've played in recent years, but for some reason, there's something that gets me bored of it in a few days. Each month, I pick it up, play a few games, tell myself "I'm gonna keep playing this time.", and quit the day after. I don't know why, probably because of my massive Steam backlog that's calling my name.

Burt Povski

Well-Known Member
I started playing Hearthstone again. The game is pretty cool, but I feel like a lot of it requires a decent deck, and also some luck with your draws. If your hand opens with a bunch of spells and no minions, then you're going to be eating a lot of free damage from your opponent.


I love hearthstone because me and my friends play it at school together. Since I have been playing the Warcraft franchise games for a very long time, I really enjoy how they incorporate everything together. I feel that at the beginning, you will lose a lot because you don't how to build a proper deck. After dueling some real people then bots, you kind of get how the game mechanics work and start building up your deck for success.


This game is 99% luck, but it's also 99% addicting. The main skill to this game is just basic math and deck construction, and I think that with just a little practice anyone can get into it. It does, however, offer an easy-to-pick-up online counterpart to many card games that can be enjoyed between friends across the country.


Well-Known Member
It's a fun game, the learning curve is a little bit big, so a lot of people are put off by all of these complex cards and strategies when they look at the game. But in reality it's all about thinking before you engage into a battle, and doing some basic math (which shouldn't be too hard hopefully!)


Well-Known Member
It's a fun game, the learning curve is a little bit big, so a lot of people are put off by all of these complex cards and strategies when they look at the game. But in reality it's all about thinking before you engage into a battle, and doing some basic math (which shouldn't be too hard hopefully!)

It's not that the learning curve is too steep, it's just that in order to have a competitive deck, even one that you look up online you need to have a lot of rare cards that newer players don't have access to for a long time.


Well-Known Member
I've never played it even though I've looked into it a few times. I used to play other card games when I was younger such as Pokemon, YuGiOh and Magic... The discussion of it being a power card kind of game kinda kills my interest in it. What's the fun in a game if it's completely dominated by who has the best rare?


Well-Known Member
I know quite a few people who play it constantly, and are completely obssesed with it. I've never been able to get into it myself, but that might be because it's a card game. If I want to play a card game about magic I would play it with tangible cards. It's cool how it's connected to the WoW universe, but I really don't see the massive appeal to Hearthstone.


I've seen quite a few people play, but I never got into it myself. Friends post about it on Facebook all the time, and the LoL streamers I subscribe to frequently play when they're waiting for ranked matchups. However, I guess it has its appeal, and I'm glad it has such a dedicated fanbase. Unfortunately, I'm probably never going to be one of them.
A friend of mine is constantly playing this game. I thought about playing it, but I didn't have the time to do it :c Hopefully, soon I will be able to. The thing is that I've always been so bad for cards games, we'll see how it goes...


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine is constantly playing this game. I thought about playing it, but I didn't have the time to do it :c Hopefully, soon I will be able to. The thing is that I've always been so bad for cards games, we'll see how it goes...

Don't worry about it. The game's not complicated or hard, so you should pick things up pretty quickly once you do start playing.


Well-Known Member
I've seen quite a few people play, but I never got into it myself. Friends post about it on Facebook all the time, and the LoL streamers I subscribe to frequently play when they're waiting for ranked matchups. However, I guess it has its appeal, and I'm glad it has such a dedicated fanbase. Unfortunately, I'm probably never going to be one of them.

Did you give a try at least?
It might be tricky at the start but it's really much better once you start building your own decks.
What did you find wrong with it?


Well-Known Member
I agree with you, an hour or so is the most I can get. But realistically, I cannot figure out the insane appeal that it seems this game has. I may be missing something, but where is it innovating?

I am the same way, It is fun to play for an hour, maybe every couple weeks, but I don´t get the appeal of people who play it many hours every day. I briefly watched some hardcore guy play on twitch, and it was like he was barely paying attention. He never appeared to be forming a strategy based on what his opponent was doing. They were also finishing games by the 6th round.. which made it very simplistic.. and he was ranked very high and always winning.