
Well-Known Member
Hearthstone didn't interest me at all really. I tried. I downloaded it and played for about two hours to give it a chance and it just didn't capture my attention. My husband, who I got hooked on WoW itself (had him jump ship from EQ, but he's since gone back to EQ sadly) loved the card game. Totally loved it. For me it got really boring really fast.


Well-Known Member
I've never tried it, and I loved WoW up until Vanilla/BC era (Never played WoTLK+) but I heard from my friends how addictive it is, and how well it keeps you hooked but I've never tried it. I guess I will, and I'll report back after I find it (or don't find it) fun.

Also, Good Hubby Michelle - I play Eq1 still on a project1999(classic) so if he likes EQ thumsbup lol.


I played about 10 years of WoW and I for the past year I played a lot of Heartstone. And I have to say it's really enjoyable. I love all the throwbacks to WoW and even trying to mimic the fights with raid bosses. I was in stiches the first time I played the card named "Loot Hoarder" - he says when he's thrown into the game is "Mind if I roll need?!". Haha, so true!


Well-Known Member
Hearthstone didn't interest me at all really. I tried. I downloaded it and played for about two hours to give it a chance and it just didn't capture my attention. My husband, who I got hooked on WoW itself (had him jump ship from EQ, but he's since gone back to EQ sadly) loved the card game. Totally loved it. For me it got really boring really fast.

A big part of the game is having all the cards. That unfortunately requires a lot of time grinding arena runs or dropping a bunch of money on buying packs. I'd recommend to keep with it as the game will get a lot more fun if you get more cards. And its a pretty good time to get into the game with the new expansion out.

To me, the sign of a good game is if i'll keep coming back to playing it or not. Other than WoW, hearthstone is the only game I've wanted to play over again past a couple months.


Active Member
I love Hearthstone but it can get a bit frustrating when you lose a lot. I like how anyone can get to Legend rank if they want to and if they have enough patience. These kind of games are all based on luck and a bit of skill when choosing decks, but it comes down to what cards get picked and when you use them. It is a fun game to play and anyone can do well in it if they know what cards to play.


When the closed beta first come out I was like meh. But as I watched more and more streams/videos of it I started to love it. I remember I got invited when I was decorataing the Christmas tree with my family. I was extatic. I still play it today all the time. On the bus? You can now play it on your phone.
At home but don't feel like going to the PC? You can play it on your tablet. It's a really good game that once you understand it you start to love it.


I really, really like Hearthstone. It's a good mix of simple yet still strategic and challenging. It's great to just escape for 20 minutes to an hour and play Hearthstone. I'm still working on creating a really good deck.


Well-Known Member
I hate that booster packs are available for real money. I know that Blizzard makes it's money that way but I still don't like it. Pay to win never appealed to me. I usually just grind quests for the gold to buy them. I can't see throwing real money at them, but it sucks coming up against a player that does.


Active Member
My friends have mixed opinions on Hearthstone. I personally love it because it's so unique and addicting to me! I guess if you're not much of a card game type of person, it's difficult to get into the game. I despise not being able to trade cards with other people, but maybe one day! Other than that, I love hopping online and playing matches against other players! It helps to have a history of WoW because it's fun when you see a name or character you recognize in the game!


Well-Known Member
I've played it a bit since it's release and it's entertaining enough. I haven't played as much as some people but I can see the appeal. I've never been into card games as much as some, but it always helps when there is a chance of getting some items for the MMO the game is based on. ^_^


Well-Known Member
My friends have mixed opinions on Hearthstone. I personally love it because it's so unique and addicting to me! I guess if you're not much of a card game type of person, it's difficult to get into the game. I despise not being able to trade cards with other people, but maybe one day! Other than that, I love hopping online and playing matches against other players! It helps to have a history of WoW because it's fun when you see a name or character you recognize in the game!

I hope they never offer the ability to trade cards. That will make the game become "farmable" and people will just be looking to make profit off their cards. Besides, there isn't enough parity in the best cards for trading to really make sense. Why would you trade a Dr. Boom for anything when its the best card in the game? And you'd just have to craft another one?


Well-Known Member
Trade option doesn't need to exist on hearthstone, and I don't think it will. HS is a CCG, aka collecting card game, not a TCG, or trading card one;there is no intention for devs to create trading between players.


Well-Known Member
I was "addicted" to Hearthstone for a little while. Considering that I still do the daily quest almost every day, I may still be. I understand I may not be that good at it, since I always build my own decks and never bought anything with real money, so I frequently get obliterated when reaching level 17 or so. Still though, I find it fun and challenging. Making clever plays and winning a game when you're at 1 health always feels like a huge accomplishment, even though you understand there's always a huge amount of luck involved.


Well-Known Member
I find this game is just a ripoff of Yu-Gi-Oh, a fancier one. I play it on my Android device especially, but the fact they copied the concept decreased my confidence in Blizzard.


Well-Known Member
How does Heartstone compare to Magic: The Gathering? Is it really as dumbed down as most people say? Or those it have some hidden fun-factor?


Well-Known Member
How does Heartstone compare to Magic: The Gathering? Is it really as dumbed down as most people say? Or those it have some hidden fun-factor?

Hearthstone is pretty fun but it's not really noob-friendly. For the first game you'll be fine but after a while you're going to run into players who have a lot of legendaries and good cards. Nevertheless, I started to play seriously since the start of 2015 and I'm having a lot of fun playing this game.


Well-Known Member
Hearthstone is pretty fun but it's not really noob-friendly. For the first game you'll be fine but after a while you're going to run into players who have a lot of legendaries and good cards. Nevertheless, I started to play seriously since the start of 2015 and I'm having a lot of fun playing this game.

Cool. I think I`ll give it a shot, because I really love Magic type of card games. I just hope it is not buy-to-win.


Well-Known Member
I just started playing this game last week and it's amazing. I always spend my time now playing this game everyday instead playing other games. I'm still leveling up the heroes though but after that I'll play on the Arena or with my friends.


Well-Known Member
I used to play it too for some weeks 2 month ago but I just get so bored of it I just quitted it as I've been used to play cards game IRL and I found myself quite weird to play them on a computer to be honest. I would like to give it another chance by the way, in the future maybe but I don't think this will happen anysoon.


I've played it on an off for a while, it's free after all so I'm happy to jump in and out. Managed to get to rank 10 one season, and up to 7 arena wins. I quite like it but do get fed up quickly - I know its the nature of the game but I don't like losing because I don't draw well!