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Guardian Class Now Available In Black Desert

by on January 22, 2020

Is today the day? Has the Guardian class finally arrived in Black Desert Online? Sure looks like it. Pearl Abyss is currently hyping the new addition to their family:

Starting today, Adventurers can begin their journeys with the new Guardian class. Hailing from the Mountain Of Endless Winter, this merciless warrior has arrived in the world of Black Desert, wrapped in the chill of an eternal freeze. After overcoming the turmoil created by her fragmented memories, she now seeks the legendary Ynix, a Holy Flame capable of immolating everything—even the gods themselves.

Since Pearl wants to convince everyone to give their new toy a try, a lot of this week’s in-game events focus on the Guardian class. All EXP earned by Guardians from now until February 5 can be transferred to another class through the Character Transport System. In addition, anyone who reaches levels 15 through 56 will receive valuable goodies, depending on the level. A Necklace of Eternal Winter and a Snow Crystal of Eternal Winter are out there waiting to be discovered by hunters, gatherers and fishers, and you can enhance these items, then exchange them for even better ones.

Other special offers in effect: those currently participating in the Black Spirit’s training regime will obtain extra Combat EXP and Skill EXP. You can get a 50% discount on Books of Training at the Pearl Shop. And if you go visit Wacky Toshi right now and collect Marni’s Stones for him, you can exchange the stones for Toshi’s Seals, which can then be used to obtain other items based on the number of seals exchanged

hat oughta keep you busy until February 5, when all these offers and events evaporate. Black Desert Online is available now on PC.

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