
I am a middle lane main. I love playing mid because it feels super fun and there is a lot of stuff to do and keep track of. I play the role in solo queue and fives. I am good at support and top as well, but my jungling is inconsistent, and my ADC has poor laning but I am a good teamfighter.


I play tanks primarily whether in Jungle or Top. Playing split-pushing tank is one of the better feelings honestly, but recently I've been forced into jungle more and more and I enjoy the fact that I don't have all this pressure on my farming and am more prone to help out other lanes.


Active Member
I have been playing Lol since season 1, and I have always been a Midlaner. Since I am so bad at playing melee champions (except Diana and Zed), Top really is not my lane. And I highly prefer mages, especially girls with balls (damn, that sound so wrong). I mean Ahri, Syndra and Orianna. They are my main champions. I can basically play at least 3 champions on every lane, but I can play every AP Carry Midlaner, most of the ADCs and Supports, and while I'm usually terrible with every other Jungler champion, I'm a beastmode Vi.


Active Member
Ever since I got more into League of Legends and understand the game more, Support became my favorite role. I like the feeling of helping my ADC win and get kills. Like without me, they would be defenseless. I feel like I am responsible for some of the things that happen like if they die and I was able to help them. Nami is my favorite and main support. I am able to support my ADC with her very well since she has a pretty good set of abilities that helps me harass and help my ADC in times of need.


Well-Known Member
I've tried all the roles and enjoyed playing all the champions but my personality and gaming type suggests that I will be better off and in my best form when playing a tanky jungler. My ace champion is Hecarim, he's also my favorite. When I'm in the jungle it's like the role was made for me I play my Heca in ranked and professional games.


New Member
I love playing support. Carrying is fun but sometimes it's fun to just sit back and ward up. I'm really huge on Blitzcrank and Thresh right now (hooks are just so darn fun). I also enjoy playing Morgana because the q duration lasts forever at max rank. Plus it's fun to ult/zhonyas and watch everyone run/flash away. The only problem is if your team doesn't feel like carrying you it can be a bad time..


Active Member
I love playing the mid. It is the most flashiest role in the game and generally considered the most skilled role. It's also very competitive to play mid against another experienced person. It is also highly challenging.


Active Member
My role is mid or top, because I like going alone. Sometimes, when I am playing bottom lane, some partners are really annoying. They keep pinging and dying; that's really annoying. However, when you are playing mid or top, you have an idea about when to stay or go back. Therefore, I like playing mid or top more. I would like to play mage or some ap champions most of time, i feel like they need more skills and they are really fun. My favorite champion is Leblanc and Swain, but i feel like leblanc get "nerfed" a lot. :(


Active Member
I've recently been trying to 'find' my lane. I don't really have a main role, but I tend to do well in mid and support. Mid is nice because it's generally a lane that's very easy to snowball and farm. The bot lane is generally the most intense, and very fun to play if you like an action-packed laning phase. I've been trying to pick up jungling and tank roles as well, but I can't seem to fit into any of them – I always feel like the early game disadvantage most junglers have is crippling, and tanks are boring*.

*I know they're not. I should probably try playing more tanky champions like Volibear.

Feels Bard Man

Active Member
I generally play the bottom lane or mid lane. I used to only play mid and support, but have recently learned to love the role of an adc. Granted that my adc mechanics are still a little subpar, I win my games knowing the ebb and flow of bot lane and just generally make better decisons than the enemy team.


Well-Known Member
I'm very flexible in what concerns my ability to warp into different roles, but I have to say I despise the jungle role A LOT! And when I say a lot, I really mean it. It's too complicated, and I'm not a man of complicated things. Keep it all simple with the old-fashioned but awesome ADC routine!


Active Member
I have always played mid as my main role since I started back in season 2. I just love playing mid because of all the things the mid laner is responsible for like being a carry and just the aspect of solo laning. I usually play assassins mid because the play style consists of going in and getting one shots then getting out and they usually have great play making potential which is always a blast to play.


Well-Known Member
I am an ad carry. More specifically a vayne main. I have quick reflexes so I quickly learned how to adc and then learned how to be very mechanical with it (kiting,dodging etc.)


Well-Known Member
I love playing all roles because I adjust to whatever my team needs, whether it is DPS or support I really adjust to anything but when I feel like playing whatever I want I start getting jungle champions etc. it really depends on my mood-


Active Member
I mostly play top. I like depending on no one but myself when it comes to laning. Bruiser playstyle and champions, which are my favorite, fit the lane well, making it even more enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
My favorite role is support. I like that it's low key but still contributes a lot to winning the game. It's not as flashy as carrys who get the most kills but I like to see it as the role that helps those players get those kills and objectives.


Well-Known Member
Support is generally where I like to play. You know as support, you are going to have a big role on the outcome of the match. I relish the pressure of that. Junglers as well is an important I like playing. And they are both extremely fun to play.


Well-Known Member
AD Carry it's where I'm usually found. It's my favourite role so far, but having to play it in 90% of games still gets boring, so I'm switching roles whenever I feel like playing something else (meh, I always play adc in ranked games, though). Carrying a team is not easy job, especially when your support is not so great and you're trying to keep up for both of you.


Well-Known Member
I'm a mid lane main and I have been for quite a time. I main Diana and have had a good 800+ games with her. I used to main top lane but as I became a better player and my mechanics developed, I picked up mid lane in order to have a bigger impact on the game, as roaming is a lot easier. (keep in mind TP'ing to lanes wasn't a common thing when I made the switch)