Power leveling: Good or Bad??


Well-Known Member
I prefer to power level due to the fact that I've leveled so many characters that I just don't care for the original content anymore. I'd rather just get to max level where all the good stuff is. I don't think it has anything to do with not caring for the storyline in general, but if you've done seen that content over 20/30/40 times, it's like listening to the same song for a week or two and just that one song.
Yeah, exactly. Me too, I agree with your point either.


Well-Known Member
I think based on my experience it seems like a good thing. I guess for many games it is included and it seems to be main thing for most of the game. So yes it seems like a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Of course power levelling is always better than not doing it, since it makes the characters better.


I actually used to be annoyed because I never got to finish any zone's storyline before I got too high level for it. On the one hand, I wanted to keep doing the quests and get to the end of the story but I also felt like I could be getting more out of the next zone.

I haven't played since Legion came out, tho, I don't know if the change in max level helped with that (or if it made it worse)


Well-Known Member
I have never done power leveling. I have to admit that I never knew about it either and I've only learned it from this thread. I might employ it in the future games I play. It sounds like a good way to finish a game faster.