Did you play GW?

  • Played GW

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • Didn't play GW

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters


No, I've only played Guild Wars 2. I was thinking of getting Guild Wars 1 though sometime when I get some more money for the fun of it. I'm not sure how different it is though?

It's a lot different than GW2
I really enjoyed it though. GW1 was one of my favorite games when I was younger. I think that you should give it a try at least :)


Active Member
No I didn't. I was too young to buy the game for myself. I have played some trials and such but I have moved up to newer ones now


Well-Known Member
I ver played Guild Wars 1.When it came out, I was too busy with Everquest. I used to love that game. It ws the game that prevented me from playing WoW for a long time.


Well-Known Member
I played it for a little while just because one of my best friends played it so we played a lot together, but after he quit so did I.


Well-Known Member
I played a little bit of GW1 when it first came out and it wasn't a bad game. Unfortunately I was addicted to WoW and Runescape so I had no time to play it.



I played throughout the lifespan of the game. Started when it was first released up until GW2 release. It was a really well planned out game. The only thing that let it down was the movement of the characters. No jumping etc.
Yep, I played it on my family's old crappy Compaq computer back when I was about to graduate high school. We live in a rural area so my connection was really bad but I did enjoy the game for what it was for those few short months.


Active Member
I've never played any of the GW games, but they always seemed to catch my eye, but I'd never accumulate the time and effort to actually play the games.


Active Member
I actually bought the game, played it for an hour and stopped playing it since then. I'm not sure why I even bought since I didn't play it. It seemed interesting and the fact you didn't have to pay extra for monthly use seemed appealing...I guess it just wasn't for me!


Guild Wars 1 has still a special spot in my heart. One of the best games I ever played. I started playing it in 2005 shortly after the release and played it probably until 2008 or 2009.


Well-Known Member
Yes, back then I was mainly focused on WoW, playing it rather seriously, until I got banned for something rather silly, so I over one holiday vacation I decided to give the original Guild Wars a shot, and it was pretty great, the mechanics, the classes, the lore, it all just felt right, yet I seemingly wasn't able to get into it deep enough, and besides I was pretty lonely there because I knew nobody who plays it.


Active Member
Yes, back then I was mainly focused on WoW, playing it rather seriously, until I got banned for something rather silly, so I over one holiday vacation I decided to give the original Guild Wars a shot, and it was pretty great, the mechanics, the classes, the lore, it all just felt right, yet I seemingly wasn't able to get into it deep enough, and besides I was pretty lonely there because I knew nobody who plays it.

I think if WoW wasn't out, more people would be playing Guild Wars. This is pretty clear for any MMO game but Guild Wars was one of those games that everyone enjoyed to play. And yeah I too know no one who played Guild Wars. It's more fun when you have friends who play too!


Well-Known Member
I played GW1 wayyy back. I cancelled my account because I was playing WoW and spent more time on that than I did GW. GW2 looks amazing and I may get back into it soon.


Well-Known Member
Guild Wars 1 was a solid game and Guild Wars 2 didn't feel like a sequel at all. It holds a special place in my heart because I've made so many good friends and had so many good times on that game. The way that it was built was perfect for teaming up with people you can get to know. The encounters were tough enough to require coordination, but not long enough to require people to need to divert too much time away from their lives to participate.


Well-Known Member
Yes I bought it a couple of years ago for dirt cheap. The world in that game reminds me of early WoW. Such beautiful zones, they seem like ones that you'll remember forever. Such a shame nobody plays it now, we should organize a group to play together.


Well-Known Member
I played Guild Wars for such a long time the year after it came out. I really couldn't do anything else but play this game when I got home from work or had the day off. It'll always have a place for me after being the first MMO I really got involved with.


Well-Known Member
I played the game for close to 8 years and still have a couple characters that I created on the first day, a Warrior and a Monk. My monk has been my primary character ever since the beginning. Thats not to say I don't play the other classes. The character I have played the least is the dervish and she still has most than 300 hours played on it.