Smokey C.E.O.
So who's excited for World of Warcraft Classic on August 27th? I have a few friends that have been trying to get me to return to World of Warcraft and I started a new character but i'm still unsure if I want to return yet or not. I probably will, and everyone seems pumped for World of Warcraft Classic. What do you think of WoW classic becoming a thing again? Are you excited for it? Is it something you'll be playing?

I'll probably check it out for a month or two and see if it's worth returning to the World of Warcraft. :)


Well-Known Member
Not sure about the future of the classic. I think in context of the game, it can be pretty decent to consider the classic game as nostalgia now.


Well-Known Member
It's good thing that developers are trying to hype the game. But of course, players had two sided about it. Some may like and some are not. For me, I think I'm off of it. I think I already played so much WoW before.


Well-Known Member
I think there will soon be mobile version so yeah I think there is going to be big demand for it as well.


Well-Known Member
Well, I wouldn't mind trying out the game again, after all I like the game enough to revisit it again.


Well-Known Member
I haven't tried Classic yet but I'm sure I'm going to at least enjoy it even if it is for a little bit. I loved Vanilla notwithstanding the overpopulated servers.


Well-Known Member
Wotlk was the most fun i had in this game. Although, I have to say I had a blast with Classic.


Well-Known Member
WOTLK was almost everyone's favorite time in WoW. But things went south once World of Warcraft: Cataclysm hit the market.


Well-Known Member
I know most people don't want to hear this, but 'Mists of Pandoria' was the best expansion in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
MoP is the bomb. Some people like to hate for no reason. Fortunately, I'm not one of those people who hate on a game without even giving it a try.


Well-Known Member
MoP is the bomb. Some people like to hate for no reason. Fortunately, I'm not one of those people who hate on a game without even giving it a try.
I detest that trait in gamers. They go online and search for reviews before even getting the game. hem being naïve makes it extra easy for manipulation. You fiind someone hates a game that they have never played.


Well-Known Member
I have to give it up to the WoW Classic community. To be honest, community is everything when it comes to games like WoW.


Well-Known Member
I hear there is no flying in WoW Classic. This is an inconvenience, but it doesn't mean that I'm not going to give it a try.


Active Member
It is not easy to put in words how a 15-year-old game still manages to capture the interest and imagination in such a definitive way.

I could go on and on about what it is that separates it from other games from the MMORPG genre or even from the latest retail version(s) of WoW. But the whole essence of it is when after grouping up with a handful of random players to do that difficult elite quest or to venture in a dungeon, people most often than not react by saying "Thanks for the group and the help mat. Mind if I add you to my friend list so we can play together again in the future?"

It is at that moment that you feel the presence of a community around you and a sense of your character belonging someone that you know that with Classic Wow you might just have struck gold.


Brilliant, love to have a great time. I meant a lot of people with in the early days, then I worked in retail for the past few years. Though I bought a lot wow classic gold from SSEGold for the game. The closeness of grouping and community feeling brings out the humanity in me. I feel happy and excited to run From work home a login I play since tbc a on off. This feels great again. Great work.
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