What are you currently playing?

i'm playing deus ex. again, from the first game through the second and human revolution. i'm preparing myself for grand LP of the upcoming Deus ex Mankind divided :D

"So much pain...So many lies"
I played Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 a while ago, and decided "Hey, I've gotta try the first one as well!".
So I bought Force Unleashed 1, and despite how the melee combat and camera movement is a little clunky, using the force is a lot of fun! Especially when you can change your appearance into Jango Fett or Kit Fisto or an Imperial Gunner, haha :lol:

Really though, these games use the same system as GTA IV; something called Euphoria.
It makes NPCs (bots) react to realtime events, so they can do random things like ducking if you throw something at them, grab a crate or even each other if you try to lift them with the force, they'll always try to regain their balance if they're pushed somehow, by moving their body in a realistic way (Although they look a little clumsy :lol:). All in all, it's not only a good game, but it's a lot of fun as well. I just love picking up a stormtrooper and watching him regain his balance in the air and try to shoot me, only to miss so I spin him really really fast around in circles in the air, haha.
Red Dead Redemption recently became backwards compatible. I'm running through it again and having a blast. One of the best video games I've played in my entire life. Atmosphere is palpable, close to the Metro Series.
Been getting back into gaming on a more regular basis in the past weeks.

Completed the new Doom - it was fantastic, a perfect mix of everything I loved from Doom 2 with modern graphics/design elements and a bit of inspiration from Doom 3 (don't worry though, it plays much more like the first two). Only major downside were frequent illogical fps drops, even though my GPU should still be good enough to play at high settings on 1080p. Turns out the game has a problem with cards that have 2GB VRAM (for some reason even those with less seem to be performing better). Very disappointing, especially in a game where a consistent frame rate is pretty much a requirement, but other than that it was brilliant.

Then I got back to the backlog in my Steam library. Started with Call of Juarez: The Cartel, which is easily the worst one in the series (others vary from good to fantastic). However, I was prepared for something so terrible that I have to say I ended up kinda enjoying it. Can't really call it a good game or recommend it though, especially since the first one, Bound in Blood and Gunslinger are so superior and represent Call of Juarez much better. After that I completed Limbo, which was nice but got quite frustrating towards the end and I felt it would have been better if it stayed more focused on conveying its story visually instead of concentrating almost wholly on puzzles.

Moved on to Portal, which for some reason I stopped playing mid-game five years ago and I'm really glad I returned to finish it because it's obviously a classic. Next I completed Hard Reset - another Polish game in English (like CoJ in that aspect, but other than that it's very different). I liked it quite a lot, though it wasn't quite as good as the new Doom gameplay-wise; if Blade Runner was an awesome yet dumb old-school shooter then this would be it. Only problem was a lack of manual saving really, and while it would have been nice to see a better story, that clearly wasn't FWG's focus. Now I'm playing Saints Row IV in unhealthily long sessions and having a blast. :p
Started with Call of Juarez: The Cartel, which is easily the worst one in the series (others vary from good to fantastic). However, I was prepared for something so terrible that I have to say I ended up kinda enjoying it.

That's kind of the same thing I had with the kane and lynch games. I was expecting them to be completely awful so when they turned out to be semi competent third person shooters, I actually enjoyed them to an extent
That's kind of the same thing I had with the kane and lynch games. I was expecting them to be completely awful so when they turned out to be semi competent third person shooters, I actually enjoyed them to an extent
Yeah, I've heard similar things about them too, but I have not played either.
GTA Online has just been a deadbeat for me the last few months. No matter how much I've tried to get back into it, it's just the same ammount of time wasted on loading screens and then teammates who leaves the mission so we get disbanded etc etc, and all the same old missions that I've already done. I want to like it because of all the hours I've spent making money for my great garage, all the cars and bikes are just standing there without being used or shown off.

But now with the new biker DLC, I actually managed to have some fun in free-roam, of all things, believe it or not. Bought and customized myself a sweet-ass chopper, joined an MC gang and started poppin' up the city and doing mini-missions together with the crew on our choppers, it's what I've been wanting to do since the release of GTA Online :D

Also played a bit of Dying Light Coop for the first time yesterday. I've completed it without ever doing coop, so I thought it was about time to test it out. It was kinda dull, because the gameplay and the story need to back each other up, but when playing coop we kinda just rushed through it and goofed around so the story just kind of faded, and coop didn't add very much to the gameplay other than not feeling so alone all the time. I'm sure it can be great with a good friend, but that was my experience of it at least.'

Also got The Crew for free from Uplay yesterday, so I'm testing that out very soon. I also finally decided to buy Star Wars Battlefront and try it out. I was so hyped for it long before anyone even thought about it, and then it just looked like such a huge disappointment with a monthly fee and EA and everything. But I figured it's not really that expensive (Not now anymore, at least), and the game doesn't look all too bad. And since I used so much money on a good gaming PC, I figured I might as well use it instead of just keep on playing Chivalry all the time :p
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I've been wanting to try out the Metro games, and especially the Redux versions, in VR. But I'm not getting VR goggles for a while, and it's not gonna work well with the game anyway. Now that we're getting Arktika, I won't need to either. SO, I figured it was about time I actually play the Redux versions. After all, it's been like.... how long since they released and I bought them? *Googles it up....* HOLY MOLY, OVER TWO YEARS ALREADY?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE TIME, IT WAS LIKE JUST A FEW MONTHS AGO :sad:

Anyway, I tried out Metro2033 and it felt good to play it again. Being alone on the surface and seeing the beauuuutiful landscape (So much more pretty in the Redux version than the original one), it all felt very good. But the parts where I had to follow Bourbon or Khan around, it just felt so extremely tedious and boring and predictable because I knew every single word they were going to say and every single thing they were going to do, and it all went so slow. I got to Cursed Station, and then I thought "Meh, I'll just go to bed". Whenever I can be bothered to continue playing the Redux, I think I'll just skip right to Last Light because I've already played 2033 like five to six times :lol:

The reason I tried it out yesterday is because I was downloading a game so I had to play a single-player game while waiting for the download. I've been on and off about Battlefield 1 a lot recently, primarily thinking "It's probably a great shooter/conquest game, but it's yet another shooter, do I really want to play it that bad?". I've played Heroes&Generals recently, and it just got so boring eventually. I've also been trying to get squeeze some enjoyment out of The Division, but it's the same old game despite all the awesome new guns that I can't even get a hold of :noidea:
I've been watching quite a lot of short videos and .gifs from Battlefield 1 recently and it looks like it's a lot of fun. Then my steam-friend whom I play a lot of Arma3 with said he had gotten it, and that settled it for me; I bought the game. It's downloading at 57% now, with nine hours remaining (500kb/s yay), but I can already play the Single-player campaign so I will do that :D
It's downloading at 57% now, with nine hours remaining (500kb/s yay), but I can already play the Single-player campaign so I will do that :D
I'd appreciate it if you'd let us know what the singleplayer is like once you've completed it. I know Battlefield is a series that is made with multiplayer in mind, but I actually thought BF3's campaign was alright and I wouldn't mind trying a WW1 setting if it's any good.
I've done one out of five Single player campaigns, in this one the focus is on driving and controlling a tank. It was really neat and took me a couple hours, so I hope all five campaigns together will take me at least ten hours :)

My friend pulled me into multiplayer yesterday, and I wasn't very impressed. I was just thrown into this huge battle where I was level 1 while most people were around level 40 to 70. There's this system where you earn credits through your score in matches, then you can use those credits to unlock weapons. I had to play for two hours before I could unlock the first simplest shotgun. Before that, I was stuck with a boring and really bad weapon and pretty much got my ass kicked constantly by people with bigass machine guns, flamethrowers and heavy armor, it wasn't a whole lot of fun.

But this is just an early impression, I need to dive deeper into it and play it for much longer to actually understand it properly. Perhaps there are low-level restricted servers I should join? :noidea:
bf1's campaign is odd in that it's well crafted and beautiful but stupidly short and it really lets it down. Their war stories idea could be turned into a dlc so you can buy more war stories though.
I've been playing infinite warfare recently and I have to say it's the least deserving of the hate that call of duty's usually get. It's visually stunning, space oddity would fit at any part of the game as its soundtrack andsome of the characters are great, my personal favourite being an AI called Ethan. infinity Ward pulled out the stops on this one and don't deserve as much criticism as they're getting
Alright, so I guess I'll wait with Battlefield 1 untill all DLC is out in a premium edition or something like that.

As for CoD, I gotta amdit that I haven't been following it at all simply due to how much of it there is now and I imagine many people feel the same way. Last CoD I played was World at War and everything elese after that goes blurry for me. It's a shame though that some people still jump on bandwagons and hate games they haven't even given a chance.
One thing I've come to realize is that you have to be aquainted with the Battlefield games to actually understand anything in BF1. They've aimed at entertaining those who have already played the previous games, there's very little information and help for a newcomer like me (I haven't played any of the previous Battlefield games). The menu system, rewards system, progression system, item system, leveling system, gameplay system.. pretty much the ENTIRE SYSTEM is just a big "wtf" for me, there's very little hints and help, I just go into WW1 and die over and over. Apparently I need to get my ass to some wiki and do some proper research because this isn't a simple game that I can just jump into and start shooting.

Over to better news, I'm really liking 2033 Redux! :D I really regret not playing it earlier, it's so much better than the original one. The visual overhaul is soooo much better, same goes for gameplay, and they've even added an entirely new sequence and area! There's a little sequence where Miller and Danila helps you fight off Nosalises at the large area outside the library, and then you actually walk into the library afterwards instead of going into the loading screen. I've gotten to D6 so far, so I don't think here's much left of the game if I remember correctly. After that, I'm gonna do Last Light :)

Underrail, very similiar to metro and fallout in term of gameplay and atmosphere

its CRPG with turn based combat set in the post apocalyptic world and tunnel. really reccommend if you are metro and rpg fans
Finished Mafia III and put up a review of it on Steam. Long story short: game is much better than many people would have you believe, but it does have plenty of issues.

I'm looking forward to the expansions and free DLC they've anounced.
I can't believe three years on since I was last active on this forum and all of the old members are still about somewhere haha you're a dedicated bunch. I'm currently playing Metro 2033 redux out of nostalgia :) but also been playing a lot of ark survival and battlefield 1 as well as gtav.