Season Pass?

Unfortunately this will most likely be the case. I'd feel much more comfortable if gaming companies moved back towards the older style of releasing large fully fledged expansions (Shivering Isles for Elder Scrolls Oblivion) rather than these small pieces of content e.g. additional maps and new weapons. The Witcher 3 did a great job of offering free DLC which many companies would charge for at the drop of a hat and they THEN released a 15-20 hour expansion to the base game at a reasonable price. This is exactly what the gaming industry needs, however money talks and these practices will continue while they turn a profit.
Well, Witcher 3 and its developer are sort of a rags-to-riches story. Original Witcher was developed by a really small studio who didn't release any other game but the Witcher. That franchise raised them up to the big leagues, sort to speak. Ubisoft and EA have been here for a long time and they pretty much have their corporate game down. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if one of them bought the Witcher franchise.
Well, Witcher 3 and its developer are sort of a rags-to-riches story. Original Witcher was developed by a really small studio who didn't release any other game but the Witcher. That franchise raised them up to the big leagues, sort to speak. Ubisoft and EA have been here for a long time and they pretty much have their corporate game down. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if one of them bought the Witcher franchise.
Cd Project is reluctant to give out their own work like that though. They care about being independent. And they've never said they're over with it, they just said they're done with the main character, Geralt. So they still want to do things with The Witcher franchise.
Cd Project is reluctant to give out their own work like that though. They care about being independent. And they've never said they're over with it, they just said they're done with the main character, Geralt. So they still want to do things with The Witcher franchise.
I'd really like to believe that, I really would. But this world we live in, everything is for sale. All they need is a right price. Not saying now, sure, they might be independent few more years, release Witcher 4, have everything going for them. Then some small internal dispute happens and they don't post profit next year. And then it escalates because of that. And that's when Ubisoft/EA/Whichever corporation comes in and buys them out. And remake the Witcher as a pay-to-win MMO.
Sorry for being so glum, I'm just not a big fan of corporate culture.
Do we know what's in the season pass yet? I hate how Ubisoft is doing season passes, not even explaining what the content will be. They're doing the same for Rainbow Six Siege, and this one's even more preposterous if you think that they already said that all the maps in R6 will be free.
Well as mentioned countless times before, they're obviously going to have season passes.
But I'm just not sure if I want it. I don't even know if I'll really like the game that much. Competitive third person shooters can be a bit dodgy, or at least for me. I hope I won't get bored of the game within the first month or two playing the game.
I found an article on about this and it seems like a quote from a press release so I'll re-quote it here. Season pass will have "full year of major expansions and exclusive benefits."
Do we know what's in the season pass yet? I hate how Ubisoft is doing season passes, not even explaining what the content will be. They're doing the same for Rainbow Six Siege, and this one's even more preposterous if you think that they already said that all the maps in R6 will be free.

I found an article on about this and it seems like a quote from a press release so I'll re-quote it here. Season pass will have "full year of major expansions and exclusive benefits."

Um, yeah I had also posted that information in an earlier post on this very thread. :p We may not know the exact content but we have a general idea of what it'll be: more maps, more weapons, etc. same as it always is. I probably won't get the season pass as I usually don't with games.
Um, yeah I had also posted that information in an earlier post on this very thread. :p We may not know the exact content but we have a general idea of what it'll be: more maps, more weapons, etc. same as it always is. I probably won't get the season pass as I usually don't with games.
Oh, sorry, I guess I should've read the thread more carefully. I wonder how "more maps" will function here though since from what I understand the game's open world. So maybe, some new areas will be unlocked? I mean that's kinda silly, but they never miss a chance to make money.
Um, yeah I had also posted that information in an earlier post on this very thread. :p We may not know the exact content but we have a general idea of what it'll be: more maps, more weapons, etc. same as it always is. I probably won't get the season pass as I usually don't with games.
But all the maps will be free, they said that much at least.

If it's weapons or new operators there's a risk for a Pay 2 Win situation, or at least a break in the balance of a game. Every operator has a "counter-operator" shall we say, so if you lock an operator behind a paywall and the other team has no way to counter it, you may lose the match because of something that is beyond your control. And being unbalanced is the last thing you want in a competitive shooter. I really wonder what's in those "expansions" that they're saying.

I hate these meaningless season passes. Bethesda is doing the same for Fallout 4, saying that they don't even know what they're going to make. The Division is in the same spot for now and I don't think I'll ever invest money on nothing but promises of "something".
But all the maps will be free, they said that much at least.

If it's weapons or new operators there's a risk for a Pay 2 Win situation, or at least a break in the balance of a game. Every operator has a "counter-operator" shall we say, so if you lock an operator behind a paywall and the other team has no way to counter it, you may lose the match because of something that is beyond your control. And being unbalanced is the last thing you want in a competitive shooter. I really wonder what's in those "expansions" that they're saying.

I hate these meaningless season passes. Bethesda is doing the same for Fallout 4, saying that they don't even know what they're going to make. The Division is in the same spot for now and I don't think I'll ever invest money on nothing but promises of "something".

Wait, aren't we talking about The Division? Or am I in the wrong sub? Haha

I agree with you on Pay 2 Win, that's the plague of gaming, I really hope The Division doesn't go this route, but it's Ubisoft so you never know how greedy they are.
Wait, aren't we talking about The Division? Or am I in the wrong sub? Haha
Well he's assuming that it's going to be maps and weapons but I don't think it's the case. We have no proof. I talked about Rainbow Six because that game is in a similar situation, since both games have that competitive shooter edge. It's dangerous in both situation to split their audience with paywalls for maps and weapons/operators. So for now that season pass means literally nothing, it's an investment.
Well he's assuming that it's going to be maps and weapons but I don't think it's the case. We have no proof. I talked about Rainbow Six because that game is in a similar situation, since both games have that competitive shooter edge. It's dangerous in both situation to split their audience with paywalls for maps and weapons/operators. So for now that season pass means literally nothing, it's an investment.
Ah, okay, I see. Well yeah, it doesn't make sense (to me at least) to have areas physically split up since it's supposed to happen in New York, although some bonus maps like Madison Square Garden would be fun to play in.
Ah, okay, I see. Well yeah, it doesn't make sense (to me at least) to have areas physically split up since it's supposed to happen in New York, although some bonus maps like Madison Square Garden would be fun to play in.

Yeah, you could definitely have a building or multiple buildings be DLC only. Now that you guys mention it, I don't really know how maps or weapons would really work and how that would be worth it. I'd definitely be upset if I paid for a season pass and only got cosmetic upgrades or a gun or two...
Yeah, you could definitely have a building or multiple buildings be DLC only. Now that you guys mention it, I don't really know how maps or weapons would really work and how that would be worth it. I'd definitely be upset if I paid for a season pass and only got cosmetic upgrades or a gun or two...
Ah that would be horrible. I'm sure the DLC will be some extra storylines and quests, there has to be ways of improving an online third person game. Maybe have a collectable hunt or something like that.
Ah that would be horrible. I'm sure the DLC will be some extra storylines and quests, there has to be ways of improving an online third person game. Maybe have a collectable hunt or something like that.

Well, according to Ubisoft the season pass will include "full year of major expansions and exclusive benefits." so... I suppose like any MMO, there will be expansion packs that will add more enemies and areas. I'm curious to see how that's going to work since it's supposed to be one big open area, but again maybe some of it will be restricted unless you have proper clearance (in other words, unless you bought the DLC). A good expansion DLC can really help a game, especially if it adds a lot and ultimately if it's fun.
We're in 2015, the game is developed and published by Ubisoft and it's a triple A game. A season pass is pretty much implied at this point. By the time the game comes out, it'll be 2016 and we'll most likely see a lot of DLCs announced.

It's sad that it's gotten to this point. I miss the good old days when you could buy a game and get free updates or actually have enough content to satisfy your thirst for the game.
We're in 2015, the game is developed and published by Ubisoft and it's a triple A game. A season pass is pretty much implied at this point. By the time the game comes out, it'll be 2016 and we'll most likely see a lot of DLCs announced.

It's sad that it's gotten to this point. I miss the good old days when you could buy a game and get free updates or actually have enough content to satisfy your thirst for the game.

Eh, I'll have to disagree with that. Which game ever offered free updates? The games back before (or in the early days of) the internet had expansions (for example, Neverwinter Nights) but you had to buy the disc.
Eh, I'll have to disagree with that. Which game ever offered free updates? The games back before (or in the early days of) the internet had expansions (for example, Neverwinter Nights) but you had to buy the disc.

A lot of games offered free updates. Hell, even Call of Duty used to offer free map packs (at least on PC) up until World at War. Also, look at most indie games nowadays which add a lot of content for free, or just at Rocket League.

Also, yes, they used to make expansion packs, but at least those had a huge amount of content and made you feel you got your money's worth, while usually Ubisoft's season passes are 1 major dlc and other cannon fodder.
A lot of games offered free updates. Hell, even Call of Duty used to offer free map packs (at least on PC) up until World at War. Also, look at most indie games nowadays which add a lot of content for free, or just at Rocket League.

Also, yes, they used to make expansion packs, but at least those had a huge amount of content and made you feel you got your money's worth, while usually Ubisoft's season passes are 1 major dlc and other cannon fodder.

There's a difference between a few maps from a game from 2008 and a full DLC like Assassin's Creed Freedom Cry though... It's not on the same level. Yes, 10 years ago some of the devs would offer a few freebies, and some still do once in a while, but most DLC has a cost to it and they add a lot to a game for a few bucks.
Unfortunately Season Passes are probably here to stay. They've been around long enough that we can conclude they work so there's no reason to assume they're going to disappear. The only way you can vote is with your wallet. Personally, I won't be getting the season pass, but it's still okay that they make it. If people are willing to buy it, then good for them. More money in the game makers’ hands means the company's going to stay around longer and continue to make games. Can't complain about that.