
Well-Known Member
Nope. There is no way that Doom is too graphic. Complaints about the amount of gore and blood in the game just seem asinine to me... they're demons from hell that you're killing anyways. Plus, the blood and gore in Doom 2016 is so over the top and crazy that it's hard to be perturbed by it in any real way.
Personally I also think it is too graphic. But not for the wrong reasons because that is the whole point of the game. It is a game called doom where demons try to kill you and the whole world. What else to expect. I would not want anything less than blood dripping jaw tearing gore and violence. Being a doom fan since the first game back in 1995 I believe it is a given must for it to be too graphic. And in the end it is just a game. I grew up playing and watching the most violent and graphic movies and games around and I turned out quite alright and I was 5 or 6.


Well, the name of the game is Doom. I thought the point of the game, was to be extremely graphic? I became a Doom fan in the early 2000's. I remember playing it at Walmart on those big screens, mom would always walk by during the worst scenes (lol). But that's the whole purpose behind it. You're battling against demons trying to kill you. Like @Dean Angel said, extremely graphic gameplay is a given when playing. It's more so of an issue allocating this game to the proper age group, rather than the intensity of being graphic.


Well-Known Member
DOOM 2016 too graphic? o_O Of course not! We are talking about a game for adults... What was to be expected? A colorful game with a silly story and annoying / brilliant characters running around? C'mon! :D

Children are not expected to play it. It's a matter of common sense (it's up to each adult to apply it or not :rolleyes:).


The graphic is just perfect. Just like they said, the game is not for kids. I am even hoping that the graphics would be improve on.


Do mean if it focus too much on the graphic? That would be Doom 3 biggest fault, I remember everybody going insane about the graphic but the actual game was just... meh.
For this game, the graphic is perfect. And the violence of it... well, it fits well and I really don't care about some blood or organs on my face. My virtual face in the game, of course..