Blitzkrieg or Turtling?

Turtling I think is the best strategy. Attack the Civ you are at war at on the border and then drag them back into your territory and mop them up. Keep cycling in new units and refreshing old ones so you can keep the veteran upgraded units. I tend to keep a couple Pikeman up front and the archery units behind them, and some roving calvary to pick up the stragglers and weakened units.
I would have to agree that using the blitzkrieg is probably more fun but I tend to turtle. I like to make sure my defenses are nice and strong and then I venture out. I also tend to build my cities in concentric circles if the topography of the map allows me to. This makes sure none of my cities are to far away from another in case I need to send in reinforcements or possibly attack enemy units attacking with more than one city.
Honestly I'm a turtle kind of guy, for some reason it extends my fun. Usually by the time I feel prepared enough the game will be over for either sides anyway.
Turtling I think is the best strategy. Attack the Civ you are at war at on the border and then drag them back into your territory and mop them up. Keep cycling in new units and refreshing old ones so you can keep the veteran upgraded units. I tend to keep a couple Pikeman up front and the archery units behind them, and some roving calvary to pick up the stragglers and weakened units.
It tried playing like this before but it takes so long to get to the end. I like to mix my game a bit it keeps the game always fresh.
Offensive turtle sounds like a funny mental image for everyone. Anyway, I'm pretty sure turtling won't be as strong in Civ VI, here's hoping that we'll see some creative approaches to the winning conditions.
Offensive turtle sounds like a funny mental image for everyone. Anyway, I'm pretty sure turtling won't be as strong in Civ VI, here's hoping that we'll see some creative approaches to the winning conditions.
If Civ VI is anything like they promise that it will be I think we have to come up with some new strategies. I think that some of the old ones might still work but I think it's going to be much more dynamic.
I normally try to cut of their supplies as soon as possible and at the same time build myself up. They start to drain themselves out quit quickly.

Sometimes it does not happen that way and you just have to fight back till death, that's what I love about this game, indeed.
Sometimes it does not happen that way and you just have to fight back till death, that's what I love about this game, indeed.
That's why the game remains exciting, if you just had one strategy that would work all of the time they game would become stale very quickly.
That's why the game remains exciting, if you just had one strategy that would work all of the time they game would become stale very quickly.

Exactly, this game is not exactly for those people who generally go after anything, but they never wait for the right moment and that's the main reason why they always lose matches.
Exactly, this game is not exactly for those people who generally go after anything, but they never wait for the right moment and that's the main reason why they always lose matches.
These are normally the people that will start complaining and find weakness through out the game. Everyone can play Civilizations but not everyone can be good at it.
These are normally the people that will start complaining and find weakness through out the game. Everyone can play Civilizations but not everyone can be good at it.

Exactly, the last day I saw a 10 years old guy playing the game, of course he did not really know how to, I barely think he knew what he was doing, and that's what happen with most players nowadays.
Sometimes I just cannot help myself and go all in, even though it may not be the best. I am not sure turtling is really all that exciting though.