Your favourite hero?

Discussion in 'Gigantic' started by daredevil, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. daredevil

    daredevil Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Mine would be Xenobia:


    She is actually a range hero. She uses magic and curses to steal her enemies' lives. I love her name as it almost appears to be Xenophobia, the fear of the strange things. And also, doesn't she look like Ursula? Lol. I loved The Little Mermaid as a kid so yeah, that has bearing on my choice as well.

    What about you guys? Care to share your favourite Gigantic hero?
  2. Chris_A

    Chris_A Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2014
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    She really does look like Ursula. :D And I think I will check her out first as well. I like ranged heroes as I think they are easier for a beginner learning a game like this.
  3. daredevil

    daredevil Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Hihi. I'm glad someone else sees the resemblance to Ursula as well. I do think ranged heroes are easier to play with as compared to other heroes too. Another ranged hero that looks quite fun to play with is Uncle Sven:

    He is a range hero with support abilities. One skill I love from him is he can make puddles which allies can super jump with while enemies are pushed away when they go through that puddle.

    I remember one game I played that has a hero that looks just like Uncle Sven. Lol. The name of that game was Castle Clash and the hero is The Alchemist.
  4. JFranky00

    JFranky00 Member

    May 16, 2016
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    For me my favorite heroes are imani and wu. I think wu is the most interesting hero in the game due to how deep his skill go in the game having combo links is amazing really means you will have to larn this guy to bring out his true power

    Imani to me is my favorite hero to play I love long range character being how I main adc in smite and league of legends I love kiting people around and being very good at positioning. For me playing games like this I love to put myself on the more difficult heroes to play so I can push myself and for me thats imani.
: xenobia, gigantic