Will Battlecry succeed in the MOBA genre?


Well-Known Member
With competitors as good as DotA, LoL, Smite, HoN etc. they're bound to have a lot of difficulties in making the game unique and enjoyable. I hope they get it right, this title has a lot of potential.


Well-Known Member
Hard to say right now, this genre's market is already crowded with very good games. But this is a more action type of MOBA, so it may still have a chance and get a good cut of players. I guess we'll see when it launches.


Well-Known Member
Hard to say right now, this genre's market is already crowded with very good games. But this is a more action type of MOBA, so it may still have a chance and get a good cut of players. I guess we'll see when it launches.
Blizzard are trying to make Heroes of The Storm into a competitive MOBA and they aren't doing that good, hopefully Battlecry will have a different fate. Maybe they'll win over people with the plot and characters.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will. The game looks really well done, a lot of professional working on it, and most important, it's going to be super fun! It's going to be a pretty big title in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it will. The game looks really well done, a lot of professional working on it, and most important, it's going to be super fun! It's going to be a pretty big title in my opinion.
That's what gives me hope as well: Bethesda are working on it, but that doesn't necessarily mean the game is going to be popular. Heroes of The Storm are struggling at the moment (well, not struggling, but they're definitely not where they wanted to be).


Active Member
It depends on which gaming strategy they counter since it is a crowded market. I think their biggest advantage will be the plot-line and if they do it right, they may emerge successful.


Well-Known Member
It depends on which gaming strategy they counter since it is a crowded market. I think their biggest advantage will be the plot-line and if they do it right, they may emerge successful.
Yup, nowadays with all the MOBAs focusing on gameplay you'll be above the competition if you focus on adding a good story to the game, although that has to be good as well.


Well-Known Member
The genre is hilariously overcrowded. It needs to find a country that will take to it more than any other. Like Russia has DOTA and Korea has Starcraft etc


Active Member
Well, I think that the chance of succeeding is more. The game looks great and I agree that the title has a lot of potential.The market is crowded but still there is a hope.


Well-Known Member
Bit tough to say because this market is already overcrowded with many games and between all this to gain a power as an individual.It seems to me quite tough.


Well-Known Member
It's definitely tough with competition as well established as it is. I think if it's a good game, then people will play it regardless. Although, you see even a big game like Heroes of the Storm developed by a big developer like Blizzard struggling to find real traction.


Well-Known Member
It is hard to say right now honestly, We'd have to see that when the game actually comes online and then I will surely have an opinion on the matter, a concise one atleast because as of now I'm just wandering among my thoughts. The developer is good so it must give something to talk about anyways.


Active Member
Definitely. The graphics of this game is far better than any other game out there. No matter how many competitors are there, this game will definitely succeed.


Active Member
Bit tough to say because this market is already overcrowded with many games and between all this to gain a power as an individual.It seems to me quite tough.
It seems tough but it will definitely succeed. In my opinion, it's one of the best games and there is a good chance that this game will succeed.


Well-Known Member
It depends what you consider a 'success'. The game will probably have a stable player base but it isn't going to become the next giant. We may see a few LoL and DOTA 2 upsets moving over but this game will have to have really strong reasons for people to not go back to their regular MOBAs in which they have invested so much time and potentially money.