
Why isn't there a superhero RPG?

Discussion in 'General RPG Discussion' started by William Quah, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Kittyworker

    Kittyworker Well-Known Member

    I know its already been mentioned once very briefly but you should really consider checking out Freedom Force if you havent already. Its a classic EA game when EA actually cared about their games. It plays just like an old comic would appear in the 50s and 60s.

    X-Men Legends was also pretty decent. Not as much customization as Freedom Force, but if you're into X-Men and RPGs you should check it out.
  2. troutski

    troutski Well-Known Member Regular

    Superhero games are often done terribly wrong, so I'd rather not see a major superhero RPG. it's not impossible to make a good one, but I think it's highly unlikely right now.
  3. Cereus

    Cereus Well-Known Member Regular

    It might have something to do with tie ins with films or the restructuring of a series. I know that lots of comic series have undergone a lot of changes in recent years thanks to the film such as restarting timelines, ect. Since the companies have a lot to tie in with film, TV shows and the comics themselves, adding games would be too much of a hassle.
  4. Briggs

    Briggs Well-Known Member

    Give it time! There is never a good idea out there for very long before someone grabs it up. It wouldn't surprise me if they had it on the drawing board mright now. I actually really hope they do. I'll be the first in line to get it!
  5. sorrowscall

    sorrowscall Well-Known Member

    There have been RPG games for singular heroes, or groupings of heroes with superpowers sharing a universe (but not the multiverse, that's a whole other story) but ultimately their not usually very good games and are movie marketing schemes at best when it gets right down to it.
  6. Aladar

    Aladar Well-Known Member

    I don't know, I thought the X-Men RPGs, while not being the best stuff ever, were pretty decent..
  7. sorrowscall

    sorrowscall Well-Known Member

    That's just it. They didn't try to be anything more than just 'decent' for their games. If they were horrendous, it might effect movie sales or comic sales, so they have to be 'decent' at bare minimum.
  8. bavinnie

    bavinnie Active Member

    The biggest issue with creating a Role-Playing super hero game is that a true to nature RPG, not a game with RPG elements but an actual RPG would involve being totally immersed in this character and their world - it's been done with games before and it most likely could be done again ( I believe the Batman Arkham Series has done a VERY good job of it) but it's hard to compete with the immersion that the comics provide to true fans who would have interest in something so in depth, so every time they took on a project it would be quite large and expensive (again, see Arkham Series) And that, is where lies the problem a large investment is not something any large game company is going to typically be on board for with such a niche area, a lot of the current day superhero fans that they are trying to appeal to are strictly following the Movies (or shows) and, with no offence - a large number of these people aren't typically the type to sit down and give themselves the opportunity to immersed in something like that to begin with, which is why you see a lot of beat-em' up superhero games and not a whole lot RPG superhero games, as much as I personally would like to see more stuff like that, I'm also okay with just getting sucked into the comics themselves instead.

    As for altering the story lines and it getting complicated to stay in line with the movies, that's not an issue - the comics constantly (and always have) explore multiple separate universes, some long haul stories and other One-shots are made left and right by all sorts of different writers and artist who all have something to add (or take away), it can make your head spin at times if you try to keep up, but I've always been a comic junky myself - my uncle and parents always bought them for me to collect, but being a kid I always read every single one that I got before being forced to put it up haha
  9. Aladar

    Aladar Well-Known Member

    Nah. It wasn't tied in into the movies, plus pretty much every movie tie-in game is awful, and it doesn't affect the movie sales.
  10. thepieeatingjay

    thepieeatingjay Well-Known Member

    That's a good question. But I think there is a fear of "not getting it right". Comic book fans are even more rabbit than videogame fans...and that says a lot. The moment the tiniest thing is out of place, comic nerds will be ready with pitchforks and torches.
  11. lgdg090596

    lgdg090596 Well-Known Member

    There are a lot of Superhero RPG. What are you talking about? :D
  12. thepieeatingjay

    thepieeatingjay Well-Known Member

    I think the OP meant more in the classic traditional sense. Sure there are MMO types like DC universe and Gazillion's marvel game. But those are well...MMOs lol
  13. Tibz1337

    Tibz1337 Member

    I remember playing a Superhero MMORG long time ago, but I can't remember the name of it. It was pretty poorly-made tbh. I didn't enjoy it at all. I started playing because my friends were playing it but they quit too after they found out it didn't live up to their expectations :/
  14. Aladar

    Aladar Well-Known Member

    City of Heroes? I think that was the only superhero MMO other than DC Universe Online.
  15. Tibz1337

    Tibz1337 Member

    Yeah, I think that's it. Thanks.
  16. Aladar

    Aladar Well-Known Member

    Was it that bad? I actually heard pretty good things about those two mmos. Never really played it, though.
  17. Tibz1337

    Tibz1337 Member

    The story was kind of non-existent, and I found it really really boring, it was very repetitve and not rewarding at all.
  18. Obi

    Obi Well-Known Member

    I don't think there can really be a superhero RPG. We know what they're supposed to be and it wouldn't be appealing for there to be a game where you play as Superman with less or different powers. A completely new made up superhero COULD work, but we're already pretty close to those with the RPGs we have now.
  19. SereneAngel88

    SereneAngel88 Well-Known Member Regular

    The closest to a superhero RPG that I can think of is Rent A Hero for the Sega Genesis and I think also for the XBOX, but I'm certain of the first system. It's a cross between an RPG and a Beat em Up where the main character calls for a pizza but instead reaches an agency that rents out powered suits for people to act as freelance heroes. The beat em up is a little spotty but you can level up the suit and wander town collecting quests and such from people.
  20. rzbh

    rzbh Active Member

    Why? Well, I think it is because it can be hard to mesh between usual RPG tropes with Superhero action, you know? You want to feel the character as yours, and a hero generally already have presence to, well, make it to be a hero. Unless you want to start as absolute nobody, who gained power somehow, then uses said power to smash-up baddies and help bring good to the universe, and uh...

    That sounds suspiciously like Skyrim.