Who is your favorite Fortnite streamer?


Well-Known Member
Hello, MMORPG Forums!

Fortnite is the most popular game for streaming right now and many streamers and players are taking advantage of it by making Fortnite the center of their content. They upload videos on YouTube and live stream on Twitch to earn money and increase their followers. Which of the well-known streamers is your favorite?


Well-Known Member
I like watching GoldGlove's streams. He's not really a pro player though, or even that well known.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be honest and say I don't really watch Fortnite Streamers all that often but I do like when Xperthief streams it. He has a YouTube gaming channel that I have been watching over the last 6 years. He's not really a pro at it but he always comes up with new and creative ideas to kill people in Fortnite.


Well-Known Member
Hello, MMORPG Forums!

Fortnite is the most popular game for streaming right now and many streamers and players are taking advantage of it by making Fortnite the center of their content. They upload videos on YouTube and live stream on Twitch to earn money and increase their followers. Which of the well-known streamers is your favorite?
That's interesting.


Well-Known Member
I agree with this.
I'm going to be honest and say I don't really watch Fortnite Streamers all that often but I do like when Xperthief streams it. He has a YouTube gaming channel that I have been watching over the last 6 years. He's not really a pro at it but he always comes up with new and creative ideas to kill people in Fortnite.


Well-Known Member
Xperthief is one of the most hilarious Youtubers I know. His content is always original and sometimes he also does comedy skits. On top of that, he is a part-time musician and his music is decent.


Well-Known Member
Hamlinz has to be my all time favorite. I love watching his streams because he is a really great player and he makes me laugh a lot.


Well-Known Member
I only watch Xperthief on Youtube sometimes. He is a genius. Though his not really good or a pro but for me his genius. I started following him last year. He has a lot ideas.


Well-Known Member
I recently checked out GoldGlove's streams and I I have to say they are amazing. Hamlinz has to be the other streamer who has got the best streams.


Active Member
Am not into streamers that much but I will check some of which you've mentioned. They sound interesting.


Well-Known Member
I'm not that much into that kind of staff, but I might check out some of the suggestions on this thread.


My favorite Fortnite streamer would be Ninja rather I saw a few floods of the different streamer on Twitch. Furthermore, I think Ninja is one of my most loved on the grounds that his great at playing Fortnite, and, he is likewise a standout amongst the most pursued and most watched crazy streamers on Twitch. Be that as it may, the majority of the Fortnite streamers and gamers are for the most part awesome. They play and stream extremely well simply like Ninja.


Well-Known Member
My favorite Fortnite streamer would be Ninja rather I saw a few floods of the different streamer on Twitch. Furthermore, I think Ninja is one of my most loved on the grounds that his great at playing Fortnite, and, he is likewise a standout amongst the most pursued and most watched crazy streamers on Twitch. Be that as it may, the majority of the Fortnite streamers and gamers are for the most part awesome. They play and stream extremely well simply like Ninja.
I checked out some of Ninja's videos on youtube just to get an idea of what he is all about and I liked them. He is really amazing at Fortnite, no doubt.