
Which Star Ocean was your favorite?

Discussion in 'Star Ocean' started by Shimus, Jan 29, 2015.

  1. Shimus

    Shimus Well-Known Member

    Mind had to be the installment named:

    "Star Ocean: Til' the End of Time"

    One primary reason; this guy right here:


    That's right Good old ALBEL THE WICKED (though he really was a softie under that TSUN!)

    Not to mention (oh wait I am, oops!) the storyline of being played as we ourselves were the video game and the real owners of us were in the 4th dimension was a original AND awesome plot. From sweeping fantasy landscapes to desolate future worlds, this game had nothing to hold back exploring. That, and Cliff was pretty cool too.

    So which one in the franchise is yours? Why?
  2. Cereus

    Cereus Well-Known Member Regular

    I have to say that I immensely enjoyed 3 despite some herp moments. I think the biggest draw was the marriage between fantasy and sci-fi in one game. I tried 4 and got pretty bored with it fast.
  3. Gamepreneur

    Gamepreneur Well-Known Member Regular

    I personally have to say I most enjoyed the SNES-era one because that's kind of the one I grew up with. I am sure if the others were in my life at the time, I probably would have one of them as a favorite. However, what really got me into the series was the super nintendo one due to the unique combat and crafting system, and a story similar to that of Chrono Trigger which seemed almost nonexistant. When a game makes me like it almost as much as Chrono Trigger, you know it's a winner!

    ACSAPA Well-Known Member Regular

    Till the End of Time was my favorite because of Albel, Nel and Cliff. There are moments in that game that made me so emotional. I really got attached to the characters.
    Plus ,it's a gorgeous game and the opening credits where you first see the futuristic cities blew me away. It was an epic and heartwarming game.
  5. SLTE

    SLTE Well-Known Member Regular

    Star Ocean 2, by far. It has the best balance of plot, good characters, overall challenge, and item creation, or at least I think so. I must have played through that game a couple dozen times when I was a teen, getting slightly different teams and trying different things each time.

    Still haven't tried the latest game to any great degree, but I don't think it would usurp The Second Story.