
Active Member
Where did you hear about this game, and when did you first start playing it. Do you like it more now or did you like it more in the past? I started playing around 2011 when I first saw it from some online gaming website. I had tons of fun with it and even though I still do till this day, it won't be as it once was.


Well-Known Member
Well in terms of how soon after hearing about it it was likely the minute after that. I liked it much more back then as it was very exciting and it still is but of course it has gone down a little bit.


I started playing this game a week ago. I like this game and love to play it every day. I love the missions in this game. This is one my A-list.


Well-Known Member
I started playing LOL, I think 2015. My friend bought it online and share it with me. I really like the game before.


Well-Known Member
I was browsing through forums like this one and came across a nice game with positive reviews. It was league of legends. I realised it was good and I added it to my favourites list.


Oh wow, I started playing League of Legends back in 2012 or 2013. I cannot believe it's been that long, honestly. I've mained almost every role since then (besides support) at one point or another, and anymore I'm a strict ADC. I don't play League as often as I used to, and typically only hop one when one or two of my friends have the urge to hit Summoners Rift (or if there's a temporary game mode in circulation).

My friends and I have been playing a little ARAM and ARURF recently, which has been a nice change of pace and forces me to try out other champions aside from the usual marksmen I run (I have a ridiculous amount of points on Draven and Vayne).

I don't know, Riot does such a good job with League, I don't see myself abandoning it completely anytime soon even though my time spent in game has reduced so much over the years. Definitely still a blast to hop on with friends and play a couple rounds every once in a while!


Well-Known Member
I heard about it in 2017.

But I didn't play it because I was into Minecraft at that time. I don't know if I will ever play it. I don't have a PC currently.