
What Legend of Zelda games should I play next?

Discussion in 'The Legend of Zelda' started by jardantuan, Nov 22, 2013.

  1. jardantuan

    jardantuan Active Member

    As much as I love Zelda, I've barely played any of the games. I first played Wind Waker, then a few years later borrowed a collection-type game with the first two Zelda games, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. I had a go of all of them, but only played Ocarina of Time to completion - the others were barely played in all honesty. I've since bought Twilight Princess and Ocarina of Time 3D, and both of those have been thoroughly enjoyed.

    But there are still so many that I've yet to play. I plan on getting Wind Waker HD soon, since I've been wanting to replay it since before it was even announced. The new 3DS game has me wanting to play ALttP, so I'll be trying to get a copy of that (incidentally, is it available on the Wii U/3DS eShops?) before getting the 3DS sequel. I still need to get Skyward Sword as well.

    Even after getting all of those, there are still a ton of games that I haven't played. I have both a 3DS and a Wii U, so I can get any games for either Virtual Console - what would you recommend?
  2. RMCMage

    RMCMage Well-Known Member

    Yu seem to play the most popular ones already you might want to give The legend of Zelda a go I have never played it, but it is the very 1st Zelda game ever made!
  3. heyhowareyou

    heyhowareyou Well-Known Member

    LttP is available on Wii Virtual Console...I'm not sure if it's on Wii U just yet.
    That's by far my favorite. Every game made after it basically copies its blueprint. It's the perfect Zelda game imo, if you can get past the dated graphics.
    You should also consider playing the DS titles, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks; both great games.

    If you want to take it old school and really call yourself a Zelda fan, you should play the original Zelda and Zelda II . Beware though, these games are HARD (especially Zelda II, my god one of the hardest games ever). Both games are great though, and both are available on Wii U VC.
  4. Rice

    Rice Active Member

    I would have to agree with playing Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. And agreeably, Zelda II is by far the hardest. The side-scrolling, platformer aspect of it makes it quite different to the other Zelda games, but it's still a great game. I never did finish though myself, as it was just that difficult.

    In my opinion though, I'd recommend trying to start Majora's Mask again if you enjoyed Ocarina of Time, as to me it was the best entry in the series, and I adored the time system and all the side quests with it.
  5. Akiyama

    Akiyama Member

    Not sure I agree with some of the people here suggesting to play Zelda II, I personally didn't enjoy that Zelda game much at all.

    It wasn't all that bad, but it was definitely a big departure from the original.

    As for what to play, if you haven't checked out a link to the past, or possibly even Minish Cap, you should do so ASAP.

  6. kimjongchill

    kimjongchill Active Member

    Avoid the second one like the plague. That Zelda game left me with a dirty feeling. The side scrolling grossness of it.....
  7. Scurventery

    Scurventery Member

    I'd definitely have another go at Majora's Mask if I were you; it's a fantastic game. The themes are a little more mature and darker than some of the other games, closer to Twilight Princess (since you enjoyed that one). A Link To The Past is often considered the best top-down Zelda game and well worth your time; if you want to play Link Between Worlds, you should definitely play it first.
  8. gats

    gats Well-Known Member Regular

    I did appreciate the fact that they were trying something new but that game was a huge pain to play.
  9. Wick99

    Wick99 Well-Known Member Regular

    Minish Cap is a good one to play. It's actually my favorite one. It's for GBA so it's pretty basic but the story is engrossing and it's fun to play through.
  10. Nickmandelson

    Nickmandelson Member

    Definitely give the first one a shot. The second one is a good game as well, but it is very different from the other games and can also be quite difficult. Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages/Seasons, and Minish Cap are good if you're in the market for a handheld game.
  11. wulfman

    wulfman Well-Known Member

    link's awakening is one of my favorite. the last i played was Majora's Mask for the N64.
  12. wulfman

    wulfman Well-Known Member

    actually ocarina of time is better than majora's mask but really i can play those games all day even though they are years old at this point. i still play them on emulators for nostalgia
  13. Tumwriter92

    Tumwriter92 Well-Known Member

    I am a big fan of Zelda also, I have been playing Zelda since I was 5 years old when I got my first game system, Super Nintendo. The first Zelda game was "The Legend Of Zelda Link To The Past" never knew how to play but always watched my dad played when I was young. I've always been fascinated by the game because the game was such a journey and adventurous, my favorite part of the game would be looking for hidden items, upgrade sword/boomerang and fighting the bosses. Unfortunately, my dad got to the last level and try to beat Ganon, he could never beat him even using a cheat book for it. As I got older, I beat the whole game over and over again throughout my childhood, it was my favorite Zelda game growing up. You should try it!
  14. downsouth

    downsouth Member

    Well I often go back in time and play Ocarina of Time. This is one of my favorite Zelda games of all time.
  15. downsouth

    downsouth Member

    Same here. The NES version was impossible to beat in the 9th dungeon it seemed when I was younger. I would get lost and never figure out that last piece of the puzzle. I think I reached Ganon by accident once and he made quick work of me. A few years later I beat the game easily. Beating Ganon was a joke too. Still it was an epic game and one of the classics for sure.
  16. sorrowscall

    sorrowscall Well-Known Member

    I'd suggest playing Majora's Mask to it's completion and then giving the New Dynasty Warriors a try if you've got a WiiU at the ready somewhere. If not, there are still the really old school Zelda games which seem to be of interest to those who enjoy the older games from the series.
  17. celinejulietdcosta

    celinejulietdcosta Well-Known Member

    I have played the initial games of zelda. I enjoyed it a lot. But never tried playing the recent ones.
  18. Skycube

    Skycube Member

    If you have a 3DS, I would highly recommend Zelda A Link Between Worlds. I just completed it about a month ago and loved every second of it! Some of the mini games were exceptionally fun. The baseball one was my personal favorite.

    The street pass functions are good as well. It allows you to fight other customized Links in a 1 on 1 duel.
  19. Dandapatra

    Dandapatra Active Member

    I really like the Minnish Cap, it isn't the best by any means and it does seem a bit outdated, but it still is probably the best mobile Zelda. (I did not like Phantom Hourglass or Spirit Tracks)
    Link's Awakening, if you can get past the dated and weak graphics, is an amazing game. I played it a lot when I was younger. It also has one of the saddest stories in any Zelda game (Though not as dark as Twilight Princess)
  20. May102014

    May102014 Active Member Regular

    Well you should try to take it back. Try playing Legend of Zelda: The Minish cap. It's challenging but at the same time enjoyable. The places, puzzles and items in the game are fantastic though it's a later version. I know the graphics isn't that good but the gameplay is awesome. You should try playing it yourself dude!