What is your favorite weapon in FBR ?


Well-Known Member
So far I really like the SCAR, especially the legendary variant and also the rocket launcher.


Active Member
Yeah, the SCAR is super cool, if you don't have it then I think the blue pistol is the one to look for every time. It can shoot really fast and it's a 4 shot kill maximum. Great when you're low on medium ammo.


Well-Known Member
Well, the blue pistol does have a relatively high DPS but I think the suppressed pistol is a much better choice, if you can get your hands on one.


Well-Known Member
It would have to be the Legendary SCAR I guess. It is one of the best weapons in the game and if you are accurate with it, your opponents have no chance to even fight back if you get the jump on them. Every single win I have got, I have had either a rare or a legendary scar with me. Second favourite weapon for me would have to be the grenade launcher, especially when playing in Squads. It is so easy to mow down a large number of opponents with it.


Active Member
My favorite weapon has to be the assault riffle. I know everyone likes the pump shotgun more, but the kills I have done with the assault riffle are enormous. That and because I am a big fan of close combat gameplay in games like Fortnite or even CS:GO.


Well-Known Member
It would have to be the Legendary SCAR I guess. It is one of the best weapons in the game and if you are accurate with it, your opponents have no chance to even fight back if you get the jump on them. Every single win I have got, I have had either a rare or a legendary scar with me. Second favourite weapon for me would have to be the grenade launcher, especially when playing in Squads. It is so easy to mow down a large number of opponents with it.
At close and mid range yes, but I've been having some trouble with snipers. You can't compete with SCAR with a good sniper at long range.


Well-Known Member
My personal favorite will always be the silenced pistol. This causes headshot damage than assault rifles, melting unsuspecting players in seconds without alerting others which is a good thing to me.