The End for Dark Nexus Arena


Well-Known Member
Well... I just found out that the developers discontinued this game. I had played the game a while back and was really excited to share my thoughts about it. When I was just about to play it again today, I read that the developers has quit developing the game already. It's such a shame since this game has lots of potential.

I love the Warhammer 40,000 series as well. I think there has been some major flaws in the marketing and promotion of this game. I feel like should there have even more advertisements for this, more players could have gotten into the genre of this game. The graphics were amazing although there were some bugs in the game, inevitable I guess.

Have you guys even tried the beta at least? What's your thoughts on this?


You're kidding, right when I wanted to look it up and play's gone!
Did they insult the Chaos Gods or something?
I love WH40k too and I'm very dissappointed that the only videogame expression of that universe is now gone. Sure I expected they come up with something along the lines of MMORPG because of the vast lore accumulated over the years, but still, what a shame...

No doubt Tzeentch was involved!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I'm not... Sigh. I figured MOBA is a hard genre to get into these days. The developers should have made the game unique, should have offered something that other MOBA games don't have.

And although the graphics were amazing, I can say that this is just another clone of normal MOBA games. Yes, if they continued it I would have played it. But if there's another new game in the market, I won't think twice about abandoning the game.

And as I've said, they haven't promoted the game well. Not a lot of players even know the game. We don't know now if it could have been a success with proper promotion and development.

I sure hope they delve into other genres, like you said. Or maybe take their time and develop a game that's got something to offer for us.


True in MOBA games it's very hard for a game to really stand out.
Fingers crossed for a unique game!

About the marketing thing, I only first learned about it in a WH40K exclusive group, which is a very small demographic to spread a game by word. And I tend to follow gaming news a lot which means their advertising campaign was at the very least weak.
I don't think GW realise how low-key it is to advertise weakly, when it means news will only get to their own fanbase instead of the wider gaming community...A game success in turn could have gotten more people into WH40K in the form of pen&paper, collecting and novels. They could use the clientele no doubt.