The Elder Scrolls Reborn

Well, I was browsing through the small website of a Norwegian Viking-music composer who mentioned that he's done / is doing some work in a project called "Skywind". I don't know if anyone else has heard about this, but this is the first time I do. I haven't delved that deep into it 'cause I'm just about to log off, but I couldn't refrain from making this post to share this interesting project. I've watched the "Official Development Video #3", and I've just got to say it: I really believe that this is going to be an actual thing!

From what I managed to learn, there's someone (Bethesda?) using the Skyrim-engine to make a new version of Morrowind. To the people who played the previous Elder Scroll games, this is probably something very interesting that I suspect they are really looking forward to; to see good old Morrowind in a modern game. For those who loved Skyrim and often get that feel to play it some more, but never do because there's nothing more to do in the game, I think this is the perfect solution, so I really hope it'll progress.

Check out their website, and most importantly their development videos:

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I've heard about it a while back, it's a team of talented modders as far as I'm aware. It looks great indeed. I don't know if it will ever be fully released though - I've seen similarly impressive projects being made for other games in the past and they never saw the light of day. :(
I've heard about it a while back, it's a team of talented modders as far as I'm aware. It looks great indeed. I don't know if it will ever be fully released though - I've seen similarly impressive projects being made for other games in the past and they never saw the light of day. :(

Sucks to hear that :sad:
Updated yet again after paying the annual hosting bill this morning. Still have enough in paypal to keep things afloat through November 2018.

Thanks to all the donors, over 400 now, who support the TESrenewal projects!
-Administrator of the TESR forums, in the Donations page.
Seems they're still up and running, but things are looking grim from that post :sad:

Despite being very low on money, I think I'll donate as much as I'm comfortable with as soon as I get my month's paycheck on Monday.
I usually don't donate to these kind of things because I can never be guaranteed that the money I contribute will actually bring me the game in the end, but this is a game that I really want so bad that the risk of the donation being futile is worth it. Star Citizen is the only other game-developing-project I've donated to, as far as I can remember.

EDIT: Well, apparently the donating is only for the Forums which economically have nothing to do with the actual game. The only way to actually "donate" is to learn how to use the Skyrim modding program and assist with the project. I have some money to spare, but I possess neither the time nor the skill to learn how to use it and then make something that could be remotely close to useful :lol:
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-Sorry, I just couldn't help it.

Apparently TESR: Skywind is still up and running, with quite a bit of fresh content that has now been showcased June 2016 in a teaser trailer! :)
Hopefully we'll see this game/mod come out soon enough. I recently discovered an article by PC Gamer where they made a list of the best mods for Skyrim, even mods that add different locations, items, NPCs etc, with the hope that it'd make Skyrim new again, almost like a completely new game. I installed it all, and it looks BEAUTIFUL, especially with the FXAA lighting effects, but to no avail, it's still the same Skyrim. I recognize every NPC and every place and buildings, and the new places and NPCs aren't nearly enough to make it worthwhile. :noidea:

I guess I'll just enjoy the new Witcher 3 DLC while I wait :rolleyes: