Not really into it


So I just started Dust a few weeks ago, I've since stopped. For some reason I don't feel like playing it anymore. I had some fun playing it, but I just can't seem to get myself to play it anymore. Has anyone had this feeling towards this game? Maybe it's the shooting that's doing it. I just don't know. The idea around it is pretty cool though and I hope to get back into it soon.

What do you guys think?


Why don't you like it? I played it a bit and from what I played I think it's a pretty good game. Especially being free-to-play, what more can you ask for? I can see the dislike for shooting somewhat, wasn't too great with it when I first started, but it gets a lot easier after awhile I think it's like this in most games like this.

I'd give it another chance, play it for a couple hours and if it's not for you, than forget about it. Personally I enjoy it and come back to it often. It's certainly is on my to-play list.


Well-Known Member
Are you not used to shooting games? It might be a bit strange to newcomers who aren't use to the whole guns thing, but after a while of playing it does get really fun and addicting. I wish I'd bought it instead of renting it :p