Liberty Prime: The Best Thing Ever


Well-Known Member
Liberty Prime, the giant robot named after Optimus Prime, was a hilarious feature in Fallout 3 toward the end. It hated Communism and China and Russia and then killed tons of enemies. What did you think of Liberty Prime?


Well-Known Member
It was awesome! I just wish you could take it on the road with you as a campaign. Then again, the game would be stupid easy and all the buildings would be destroyed by it trying to go in them.


It was pretty cool when it actually started moving and then killing enemies. At first I though something was gonna happen and that I would never get to see him in action, and that he was just a prop. Now I wish I could've been able to control him or something. That would've been really cool.


Well-Known Member
Liberty Prime was amazing, my favorite part was how he threw bombs like footballs.


Well-Known Member
It would be amazing if, and I'm just saying IF, we could control him in Fallout 4. I think it could be done, since Fallout 4 has vehicles that you can enter, but I'm not so sure if you can control those vehicles. Probably not. But it would be cool, at least to be inside a huge robot. Imagine going through the wasteland stomping on everyone who gets in your way.


Well-Known Member
It would be amazing if, and I'm just saying IF, we could control him in Fallout 4. I think it could be done, since Fallout 4 has vehicles that you can enter, but I'm not so sure if you can control those vehicles. Probably not. But it would be cool, at least to be inside a huge robot. Imagine going through the wasteland stomping on everyone who gets in your way.

But Liberty Prime isn't in Fallout 4. 3: Or is he? 0_o


Well-Known Member
But Liberty Prime isn't in Fallout 4. 3: Or is he? 0_o

I doubt that he will be in Fallout 4, but I was just saying how cool it would be if we could control him, and if he was. I doubt that he will be, tho. :/ However, there are vehicles in Fallout 4, and I'm not sure if we'll be able to control these or not, but probably not. In the trailer, there is some sort of a helicopter or a verti-bird, if that's what they're called in the game.


Well-Known Member
It was so awesome watching him blow up stuff and shooting off one liners like a boss. Then comes in Broken Steel and he's blown to hell by the Enclave. I almost cried then and took huge glee in gunning down everyone at their base for the final battle:D I just wished we were allowed to rebuild Liberty Prime in the game, just so he could look good again.

Kitty Reeves

Iron Hand in a Velvet Glove
When my friend first showed me Liberty Prime in action, we were cheering! There's just something really awesome about a giant ass robot, shouting one liners and blowing up the enemy. :D


Well-Known Member
If you could control him for just a little bit that would be super cool. Imagine having him as your companion XD That shit would be hella broken and the game would be done as you just stomp through everything.


Well-Known Member
If you could control him for just a little bit that would be super cool. Imagine having him as your companion XD That shit would be hella broken and the game would be done as you just stomp through everything.
It would be even more badass to ride on his shoulder and be able to point stuff out for him to blow shit up.
"Hey, I can see Paradise Falls way over there filled with all those slavers that look bored~*points finger*


Well-Known Member
Well, Boston is supposed to be more technically advanced, right? Maybe we'll see something like Liberty Prime but 100 times better. Who knows? :p


Well-Known Member
Well, Boston is supposed to be more technically advanced, right? Maybe we'll see something like Liberty Prime but 100 times better. Who knows? :p

WHAOOO!! Could you imagine being out in the waste and walking up on a huge crater. Slowly creeping up to the edge to peer inside and see what is making all these loud metal on metal noises. Then to gaze upon two Liberty Primes boxing it out, Real Steel like, then suddenly they both stop, turn towards you and say Communist engaged!


Well-Known Member
WHAOOO!! Could you imagine being out in the waste and walking up on a huge crater. Slowly creeping up to the edge to peer inside and see what is making all these loud metal on metal noises. Then to gaze upon two Liberty Primes boxing it out, Real Steel like, then suddenly they both stop, turn towards you and say Communist engaged!
Welp, I would be a goner then, since I doubt I could take out one on my own, let alone two at the same time. I'll just chuck bobs at them and die in a blaze of glory then~


Well-Known Member
Now where the hell is the mod for this? That I would pay for!
Hopefully someone will make it when the game comes out. When it does, I'll download it, carry as many grenades and rockets on me and do a Leeroy Jenkins to see how long I last. They should also have a reward and achievement for surviving both of them and winning:D


Well-Known Member
Hopefully someone will make it when the game comes out. When it does, I'll download it, carry as many grenades and rockets on me and do a Leeroy Jenkins to see how long I last. They should also have a reward and achievement for surviving both of them and winning:D

You would be GOD of the Wasteland. No army, raider or faction could stand in your way.


Well-Known Member
You would be GOD of the Wasteland. No army, raider or faction could stand in your way.
I thought I was already God of the Wasteland since I pretty kill anything dumb enough to challenge me, unless they have plot armor on. But I get where you're coming from. Hell, if you can face a zerg rush of Liberty Prime and survive, the game should let you warp reality and just break the game itself.


Well-Known Member
That would be nuts, and awesome! Imagine walking Citadel, throwing the head of liberty prime at what's left of the BHS and them falling to their knees in compliance


Well-Known Member
I thought Liberty Prime was super cool! He really made all of that part of the game, in my opinion xD