League of Legends Patch 12.3 "Buffs and Nerfs"

Discussion in 'League of Legends (MOBA)' started by TheArticulate, Feb 1, 2022.

  1. TheArticulate

    TheArticulate Member

    May 26, 2017
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    Hey all!

    In case you hadn't seen, Riot released their notes for patch 12.3 which features a slew of nerfs (one for our brand-new champion, Zeri, of course). Let me know if any of the quality of life adjustments for League affect you in any way!


    Notably for me, as and ADC main, Caitlyn is getting a nerf and Quinn is getting a buff! Quinn is a blast to play, so I'm excited to see her buffs giving her a little more viability in-game, and I'm actually happy about Caitlyn's nerfs!

    I don't play Caitlyn that often, but I play against her ALL THE TIME, and I find her so difficult to lane against early game because of her auto attack range and the fact her Q and E effectively make her such a great early-game lane bully. Her damage decrease gives me hope, but I'll still probably ban her on the draft pick games I play.

    Are any of your main champions affected by these changes?
  2. Mildredtabitha

    Mildredtabitha Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2020
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    Zeri of course is affected by this main changes. Although I think the changes have been made to improve the game. We just need to get used to it.