I'm about 35 hours into the game and I am thinking about starting over. When I first started I didn't realize when I leveled up that I could select the perks below the main line of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. I believe this has set me back some and now that I have a better idea of how it all works I would like to start fresh and see where it takes me.

Has anyone else had the urge to or already started over?

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New Member
Yeah I did the same, I wast that far into it though. This is my first fallout game and I also thought you just had to go down the lines with the perks so I started over and haven't regretted my decision one bit since.


I always get an urge to start over because I never feel satisfied with the look of my character or my build, this happens in all games. I would say start over if you feel comfortable doing everything over again and "wasting" 35 hours (depends on what you consider wasting).

However, if you are on pc you could probably use commands to refund points and alter your skill tree, I have done similar things before and I think (provided nothing goes wrong which it very well might) it would be a much better option to research the neccessary methods and then do it (remember to save before), as long as it works you would save a lot of time.


Well-Known Member
Not that I would always do it, but if you really hate the grind of starting over you could hunt around for some save files.


Well-Known Member
I suggest not doing it. Finish the game the way you're halfway into finishing now and then start a new save. Mix it up a little bit though, make different decisions, play the game a little differently. It is a role-playing game after all, you can always replay the game playing a different role.


Well-Known Member
What did you do in the end? I know what you mean, I would be pissed if I didn't use everything at my disposal to get through the game.


Well-Known Member
I started over, but I'd already beaten the game and done some of the post-game quests before I did. I wanted to view the world from a different perspective (first time was stealth, now I roam around in power armour), and I made a point to visit sections of the map I'd previously ignored, primarily on the east coast.

I find playing earlier on more fun anyway. The higher your level and the more perks you have, the more homogenized your character becomes.


New Member
Don't do it! You've put in A LOT of time into that save so far. Keep it just in case.

What I would do is keep that save, and make a second account and do what you wanted to on that one. Maybe make it the opposite gender to your current save to explore a few differences in the game, or choose a different faction. As I said, 35 hours is fair amount of time, which you won't get back, so keep the save!


Active Member
Yeah I did the same, I wast that far into it though. This is my first fallout game and I also thought you just had to go down the lines with the perks so I started over and haven't regretted my decision one bit since.
Yes, I agree. That was really a good decision.


Active Member
Don't do it! You've put in A LOT of time into that save so far. Keep it just in case.

What I would do is keep that save, and make a second account and do what you wanted to on that one. Maybe make it the opposite gender to your current save to explore a few differences in the game, or choose a different faction. As I said, 35 hours is fair amount of time, which you won't get back, so keep the save!
That's the right point but I think that he should reset.
I have three Fallout 4 characters, so I've definitely started over before.

Putting a lot of points into the SPECIAL skills isn't too bad really. They're some of the most useful ones and that opens up a ton of the super perks located at the bottom of the trees but I can definitely see why you'd want to start over with a more balanced build. I'd suggest starting a new character with lowish intelligence and taking the Idiot Savant perk asap, that way you can rebuild your level far more quickly.


Well-Known Member
I started over because of the survival mode. Everything they added seemed so hardcore and it just made me restart without regrets.


Well-Known Member
If you purchased the new workshop DLC's they added a lot for creating survival bases and the addition of survival mode and the robot companions it would make sense to start over and experience these things while playing through the story.


Well-Known Member
I bought Fallout 4 when it first came out, and I've started over 3 or 4 times and I don't see what the problem is with that. If you're not happy with how your game is going, then starting again is sometimes the only option and while it can be frustrating sometimes, at the end of the day if your paying that amount of money for the game, then you want to be happy with how your going about playing it.

Having said that I am somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to gaming, and I have been known to start over for the smallest things in the past, so maybe in that sense I do tend to quit and start again more than most people.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I enjoy starting over even if it means I'm going to lose some skills and items that I have gathered over the course of my gameplay. In most cases, my first run serves to get me used to the feel of the game rather than being my main game file. It's ok to start over and don't feel discouraged by it. You'll have a better idea of what works and what doesn't when you start over.


Personally, I wouldn't start over no matter how much I "mess up" my S.P.E.C.I.A.L. talents. I chose them at a certain point in a certain way because I needed those talents and I am sure that at some point in the development of the game I will use them. This is your personal print on the game, which is great and shows the many many ways in which the game can be played. Even if sometimes it might prove a bit challenging to advance in the story due to the way you chose to spend your talent points, you shouldn't think of restarting the game, but just trying to figure out how you can cope with what you have. It pushes you and your gameplay even more and it makes the game even more memorable and the experience even more rewarding.

Good luck with your game!


Well-Known Member
Yes, sometimes I start over again especially when I am stuck. Starting over makes me feel like I am progressing and I also feel I am more wiser to know which steps to take so I don't get stuck again.