How to improve at farming?


Well-Known Member
I've been having this issue for a while and I just can't farm properly like the other players, they get a lot of stuff before I do, what are some good tips to improve myself on this kind issue? Should I go jungle?


Well-Known Member
I'm a complete newbie so I dont actually know if this is a good idea or not. But those xp camps are really easy to get even at the start of the game and you get both xp and gold. I would think the camps are there for a reason and as such the reward for going there should be worth it.


The general rule, which applies to all MOBAs and not just Smite, is this: if you're stood still doing nothing, you're likely making a mistake. With Smite it is a very simple rhythm to get into. First, you clear your wave while poking the enemy/doing your best to avoid poke from them. Obviously, if you think you can get a kill, go for it. Otherwise, focus on clearing the enemy creep-wave as fast as you can. This then allows you to rotate into the jungle for the XP camps that are near your lane. If you are the Mid-laner/Solo-lane, call the Jungler to help you with your buff if it is up. Otherwise, rotate to any nearby experience camps that are up and do those, then return to lane for clear.

Simply put - try to make sure you are actively doing something at all times. Yes there may be times where all the XP camps are cleared, your enemy is sat under their tower, and you're still 100 gold off your next item so cannot go back...but this will generally not be the case. There should always be something you can try to do in-between clearing creep-waves, even if it is just scouting the enemy jungle (carefully, make sure you're safe before you do it) to see if you can steal a camp of theirs.

One other thing; part of clearing the creep-wave as soon as possible is so that your creeps then attack the enemy. In Smite there is no bonus for last-hits (as long as you aren't stacking) and there is a XP punishment for creeps that are hit by a tower, so trying to clear creeps fast and push the wave under the enemy tower is almost always a good idea.


Well-Known Member
The general rule, which applies to all MOBAs and not just Smite, is this: if you're stood still doing nothing, you're likely making a mistake. With Smite it is a very simple rhythm to get into. First, you clear your wave while poking the enemy/doing your best to avoid poke from them. Obviously, if you think you can get a kill, go for it. Otherwise, focus on clearing the enemy creep-wave as fast as you can. This then allows you to rotate into the jungle for the XP camps that are near your lane. If you are the Mid-laner/Solo-lane, call the Jungler to help you with your buff if it is up. Otherwise, rotate to any nearby experience camps that are up and do those, then return to lane for clear.

Simply put - try to make sure you are actively doing something at all times. Yes there may be times where all the XP camps are cleared, your enemy is sat under their tower, and you're still 100 gold off your next item so cannot go back...but this will generally not be the case. There should always be something you can try to do in-between clearing creep-waves, even if it is just scouting the enemy jungle (carefully, make sure you're safe before you do it) to see if you can steal a camp of theirs.

One other thing; part of clearing the creep-wave as soon as possible is so that your creeps then attack the enemy. In Smite there is no bonus for last-hits (as long as you aren't stacking) and there is a XP punishment for creeps that are hit by a tower, so trying to clear creeps fast and push the wave under the enemy tower is almost always a good idea.

That is definitely great advice. Thanks for sharing it to a relatively newbie guy like myself.