How much time do you manage to play on your Xbox One?


Well-Known Member
I don't have an Xbox One yet, but I might buy it or the Nintento Wii U, I need to make up my decision,
but referring to the topic title my question for you to answer is how much time do you manage to play
you're video games on Xbox One? I can even play video games the whole day if I don't have any other plans.


I manage to sneak in some xbox time about 2 full days (weekends/days off) and a few hours here and there before bed on any random day of the week.

I think the Xbox One and Wii U are two entirely different gaming platforms, with the biggest difference being the games available. So I guess your best bet is to choose which games are most important for you to play and decide from there!


Well-Known Member
I don't really have a set time. I play whenever I feel like it and the hours fluctuate everyday, but I try to not spend too much time on gaming since I have more important stuff to do! :D


Active Member
Before, I could even play X box the whole day but nowadays I can play at least twice in week mostly during the weekends. I got a job and at the same time I a college student, I got too much work to do except play X box the whole day. Although, I love it when I invite friends over and we play the whole night while eating snacks and drinking cold beer.


Well-Known Member
Before, I could even play X box the whole day but nowadays I can play at least twice in week mostly during the weekends. I got a job and at the same time I a college student, I got too much work to do except play X box the whole day. Although, I love it when I invite friends over and we play the whole night while eating snacks and drinking cold beer.
Damn, you're in a pretty rough spot but think about your future and how it's all going to be worth it. It may also be a good thing, since gaming addictions are really bad.


Well-Known Member
Well unfortunately the answer is probably way too much. Actually I should not really blame it all on the Xbox, because there is plenty of blame to go around to all the other consoles. I still love my Xbox though and it is usually the console that I play the most, so it still gets the majority of the blame.