
Another reason to use dodge is that it can do more than just avoid damage. Some skills and traits also allow dodging while using an ability (damaging or healing someone as well). Others might provide helpful aid such as a Ranger’s Evasive Purity which removes a condition from you and nearby allies during your dodge roll. Traits likes this only make dodging more vital to the game. During this past beta weekend I noticed dodge also plays a big role in deciding who goes down first in a 1v1. Many times I would out last my opponent not only from blocking but dodging his attacks. If you dodge one of their big hits while landing one of your own, you now have the advantage.

Check out the Full Article Here and let me know what you guys think!


Well-Known Member
I'd say that article pretty much sums it up; use dodge wisely and you'll do well. I wouldn't say it's as necessary for PvE (to start with at least, probably more useful at a higher level with stronger enemies), however it's an extremely useful manoeuvre in PvP.


This is probably the most important skill to master and time when it comes to PvP

It is so important, everybody who plays GW2 should watch the entirety of this video first



Well-Known Member
I think it really depends on the player personally I hardly use dodge roll in most games the only time I do use is if I can't block fast enough.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the game. In WoW, a tank HAD to have dodge. In ESO, dodging attacks will be completely in your hands and not probability. :D

William Quah

Well-Known Member
Dodge is pretty important to me, it's the best way to avoid damage. I rarely like to block because blocking hinders maneuvreability.


Well-Known Member
That is true, but blocking is still a great tool if used right sometimes you just don't have enough time to roll out of the way plus if you block in time you take less damage!


Well-Known Member
Avoiding damage, even if the damage is minimal, is always better than tanking in my opinion. Sure, you only take little damage with high stats on defense which allows you to tank, but that little HP that was taken from you can make all the difference in PVP, especially for PVP matches with time limit where if no players dies within the time limit then the player with the most HP wins.