Have you ever played any other Fallout games?


Well-Known Member
The Fallout franchise is a pretty good one if you'd like to follow it. All the games are pretty good, although the past ones are only good for the story since the graphics aren't on par anymore.


Active Member
I have played almost all the games of the fallout series (1,2,3). Actually, the first version of the game was released in the year 1997 and I remember that I used to play this game in that year. I bought this game on the exact date when it was released in 1997 and it became one of my favourite game. After that Fallout 2 was released in 1998 and Fallout 3 was released in 2008 and both of them became my favourite games and I used to play these games for hours. Then, the most famous Fallout 4 was released in 2015 and the game was the best one in the series. I have played all the fallout games and I am waiting for Fallout 5 to be released and I expect it be awesome :)


Well-Known Member
I've played Fallout 3 and Las Vegas. i thoroughly enjoyed both games. I found those games easier to play that Fallout 4.


Well-Known Member
Hmm! not all but after Fallout3, it's the second I played and loved it the most.But I think that its third part was pretty interesting than the latest version and its graphics was also good.Looking ahead for Fallout5 it would be really interesting to play that game.


Well-Known Member
How do you guys feel about the first fallout? I'm thinking about getting it. I just want to see how it plays for an old game.


Well-Known Member
Nope, this was my very first Fallout game, and I was only interested because of the hype before the game was released, as well as because I was a huge Skyrim fan and the same video game company made this game, so I thought I may as well try. It's really great, and I really enjoyed roaming the wasteland, but on the other hand, it also got boring pretty quickly, and I ended up uninstalling it just after two playthroughs.


Active Member
Yes, I have played Fallout 3. Well, it was a wonderful game. It got a rating of 9.6/10. It became one of the most highest rated games out there.


Active Member
How do you guys feel about the first fallout? I'm thinking about getting it. I just want to see how it plays for an old game.
The first Fallout game was released on 1997. I have played that game and I must say it was a decent game. It was not amazing but I would rate it 8/10.