Have you ever been hacked?


Active Member
I've never been hacked personally before.

One of my guildies was hacked, though, and they hacked our guild bank because of it. Fortunately, this was well into the game and Blizz was on top of things enough by that point to simply give us everything back. It really wasn't a huge deal and everything was restored within 24 hours.


Well-Known Member
A person who I know (not all that well) in Real life and knew online in my guild was hacked. He had full access to the guild vault and the hacker was taking stuff out when I happened to be playing. When he didn't reply to my message, I locked him out of the guild vault and booted him (as that was all I could do immediately). I wasn't able to make contact in real life, but ran into him a few months later when he asked me why he was booted. He hadn't realized that that I caught the hacker in action and I hadn't realized he had gotten his account back.


Well-Known Member
I have been hacked two times total. It was pretty miserable, but the GMs can usually get you your stuff back if you act fast.


I've been hacked once, but not in WoW. It was on a game called Runescape. It was a very scary experience because I never thought I'd ever get hacked and i thought I'd never get my character back which I paid for membership. Good thing the admin did something about it and alas! I got it back. When i checked the damage though, i was so surprised and kind of irritated because the hacker messed up my account, he changed the character into a guy and it looked really ugly (Pixel Look is a big deal in Rs) lol He never touched anything else though. He probably was my rs friend who somehow got a hold of my password. I had alot of troll friends in rs, so maybe he was one of them.


Active Member
I don't understand this at all. Game security is just as important as any other security on the computer. I run an authenticator and I regularly change my password. I don't use simple things either, it is always at least a 20+ character password (filled with no common words/phrases).


Well-Known Member
you have to keep your password safe. ive never personally been hacked but a friend of mine has been repeatedly.


Well-Known Member
I've never been hacked. I just keep my info safe and look out for scammy things.


Err OP, my answer is... nooo?

Depends on what you're implying at, for or about, as in:

  • Being 'hacked' to death by a bunch of noobies, yikes!
  • One who hacks about WOW, doing wacky and vexatious stuff to others or itself; yeah, eww.
  • Or hacking into someone's WOW account and f-up everything he or she put their life, sweat, and soul into CREATING!!!
So, may want to be more specific there, lad... gal... err, extraterrestrial?


Well-Known Member
My account was once stolen but after contacting the World of warcraft support I managed to get it back quite quickly. However, now I have better password and security to prevent it happening again.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been hacked yet as far as I'm aware. I haven't been playing much and nobody would really get anything out of my character anyway if they had managed to hack into my account somehow.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been hacked, due to having an authenticator attached to my account. I still think I'm fortunate, though, because I've heard that there were some people hacked even though they had authenticators tied to their accounts. But then again, I think that was done using a keylogger or a virus and I'm usually very careful with what I download from the Internet, and I have a good anti-virus program set up, so I'm really not afraid of being hacked.


Well-Known Member
Like most people, I haven't been hacked either. It's pretty hard to get hacked even if you only exercise basic safety protocols and precautions. Sometimes, it's out of your hands, though. I know plenty of people that have just gotten unlucky and been hacked because their information was stored on a compromised server or something like that. It happens.


Nope. I've had a brief stint with Neopets where I stupidly gave away my username and password. I'm not sure if that constitutes as being hacked, but after I lost everything in that game, I was more wary of my online gaming presence. I've been quite careful though, making sure that I use a different password for each site that I make an account for. I'm more wary of submitting my financial information (e.g. credit card, paypal) online and trusting players whom I've never met in person. Avoid donwloading third party apps and bots, and you're essentially golden.


I have never been hacked by hackers in this game. And I wish that it stays the same way. It would be a disaster to lose all the progress I have made over the last couple of years.


Well-Known Member
I've only been hacked once and it was years ago when Blizzard's accounts and information was stolen from them. Ever since then I've been pretty adamant about often changing my passwords to various sites important to me. I'm pretty good about keeping my accounts safe, but in a case where a company's been compromised, that's something that can't be helped.


Well-Known Member
I have never been hacked, all you have to do is have a good, strong, and unique password. Using the authenticator helps also if you aren't too good at making a really strong password, or aren't careful with what websites you visit, or what you download online. I also use the authenticatior, but even before I used it, and that was for about a year, I was never hacked.


Well-Known Member
I have never had my account hacked. I feel like their security measures are pretty solid, and if you're careful as well you shouldn't have any trouble with hackers.
Fortunately not! I would get mad if someone did that to me. All the time spent in a game and all lost in a momento just because a mad guy wants to have some fun by bother others? Come on...

Liam H

Yeah I have been hacked multiple times unfortunately, being young when I first started playing I was very prone, and targeted often.


Active Member
I have not had the unpleasure of having an account hacked yet but I also don't have anything worth hacking for either.