
Discussion in 'League of Legends (MOBA)' started by mwin43587, May 29, 2015.

  1. mwin43587

    mwin43587 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2015
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    Hi guys, I am planning to buy Fiora because I saw someone using this champion and dominated our team. Can you tell me more about Fiora. Thank you :)
  2. sheggy6

    sheggy6 Member

    Jun 2, 2015
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    "I saw someone using this champion and dominated our team"
    This doesn't mean you'll dominate with her. It just means this person was good at playing as Fiora. There's no telling how you'll play with her.
    troutski likes this.
  3. edesapa

    edesapa Active Member

    Jun 3, 2015
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    I believe Fiora is one of the easiest Top laners right now, yet she is not really popular, except when she is in the free champion rotation. Her ulti is so rewarding, when you 1v1 and both of you are already low on health, you just ult and win the fight. An ultimate which makes you untargetable, and hurts the enemy for a huge amount of his health is always a great ulti. Also, if you use it in a teamfight, they can't focus you, and you can deal tons of damage to multiple champions, if they are not separated from each other. I also have Fiora, but I never really mained her, because I don't like melee champs, but when I'm forced to play on toplane, and see that a Fiora is my enemy, I immediately get nervous, because she is one of the few champs that I can't really counter. (She can be countered, but I am bad against her, unfortunately).
  4. Burt Povski

    Burt Povski Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2014
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    She's pretty good. Lots of damage and pretty easy to play. Good champ to get in my opinion. TONS OF DAMAGE!
  5. AmenoKaji

    AmenoKaji Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2013
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    Build brutalizer or hydra first, know when you Q into a target to trade properly and that's pretty much it. She's kind of a easy and cheesy champion, more so if you know how to use her ulti to dodge skill shots and a lot of damage. She is a really good lane bully.
  6. rightct

    rightct Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2015
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    Long story short, it's an "easy-going" champion once you get used to it, and can really wreck any kind of champion late-game period, but... it's hard. It's definitely not a no-brainer champion.
  7. Shimus

    Shimus Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    Fiora was my main after she came out. She can parry attacks and autos with her W as well as gaining passive attack damage each rank, she gains stacking movement and attack speed with her E up to a hard cap, and her Q allows her to dash to a target, and if she so chooses follow up with another Q before setting the skill on cooldown.

    Her R allows her to bladedance between any nearby enemy champions, slicing them for physical damage(amplified by bonus damage, I believe) - and she can slice the same champion as many times as her ult strikes (4 or 5 I think) but each strike one after the other does reduced damage to the same champion.

    Now, how I build her is different from most people. I use a runepage for Armor Pen REDS (saving two empty rune slots in RED for CRIT chance runes, even a 1 or 2% chance means you can still crit!), Flat Armor YELLOWS, and either Magic Resist Per Level or CDR BLUES. For Quints you can rock either Attack Damage(AD runes) or additional Penetration runes. For masteries, I'd use the same build for any other AD autoattacker because that's what she amounts to after her speed boosts, parry is on cooldown, and she can't dash. This is why people prefer to build her items like Hydra and splash damage, etc. I say build it, but build it LATER on the champ.

    For items, I typically buy Zerker Greaves (attack speed boots), avarice blade into youmuus (attackspeed clickie), then either Hydra into IE or Lifesteal into more attack speed. Going on in the game, if you surpass that point Frozen Mallet for HP+Slow is godlike. If you go even further than that, build her tanks with MR or ARMOR. With those items + her E, I just slaughter people left and right. The mobility from youmuus is nice too since she has no other escape aside from using her Q or flash, so the burst of runspeed from the click can get you out of hairy situations.

    Her E lets her speed up so retardedly fast and with the extra on boots for attack speed, and popping youmuus for the additional speed is godlike, you can zing between everything like a bolt of lightning, finishing up with dancing on them with your "R" attack and then flash out backwards and wait for your kit. Do this in teamfights, dash in, unleash, flash out - right behind your tank. You'll almost win every exchange if your team is competent and you're attacking their ADC or AP carries. You're a fencer assassin, so all intents and purposes is to murder their big shots.

    Hope this helps. (PS, on the boots, buy the +overall speed boost (alacrity I think?) to be a speed demon!) Granted I haven't played her in awhile, but there ya go. She may have switched.
  8. troutski

    troutski Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2014
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    Exactly. Basing a character selection on seeing someone else's success, especially if money is involved, is a stupid idea. There's no connection to that person's skill level and your own skill level with that character moving forward. -_-
  9. Luuchan

    Luuchan Member

    Jul 15, 2015
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    I haven't played Fiora but I know that she is relatively easy to shut down since she doesn't have any cc and is very squishy. You have to be very careful playing her, especially in this tanky top-lane meta. I know she's a very good (and annoying) split-pusher, even when behind, so she's got that going for her. But again, be very careful in team fights because you could get burst down very quickly.
  10. FuZyOn

    FuZyOn Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    She is kind of squishy and doesn't really fit the tank-meta that's going on at the moment in League. There are better alternatives than Fiora and she can be shut down really easy.
  11. Shimus

    Shimus Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2015
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    While I agree she struggles against other tanky top champs, if they have jungle support with any type of slow, stun, or root - you can easily gank the top lane again and again if Fiora has Teleport/Exhaust or TP/Ignite, though most just choose TP/Flash - It's nice to have mobility to be sure, but if you have what I call "kill confirmed" skills, you can easily make their opposing lane pay for overextending, which WILL happen - FIORA just gets pushed to the turret, or at least can feign really well she's being pushed back, so you can position for your Jungle.

    A good Fiora doesn't mind tanky people, they just build anti-tank and let their initiators go ahead of them. A bad Fiora is marked by how she always uses Q--->Q to initiate. It's used to Catch up to a fleeing target or escape, never to engage - unless this Fiora is fed to the teeth it will never work. Another good way to counter people is simply hide, wait in bushes like a Garen, or out of line of sight and send some people in. Poke with Q with E engaged

    People say she's easily shut down - but I wouldn't play her in 5's anymore anyways - Dom, I always score 20kills+ on her because of the gameplay, speed, and less emphasis on minion farm. In this, she's exceptional. But unless a team supports her on 5's, then it's almost impossible. I would not solo-q as her.