Feast your eyes on these graphics


Well-Known Member

I love those graphics! I hope they feature the same crisp and clear graphics even for the game. There were cases where the graphics in the trailer were not even close to the graphics of the game. I am truly hoping this is not the case for Battleborn and that the trailer is a real sneak peek of what we have coming.

Here's some more pictures:




Active Member
It looks sooooooo good! I really can't wait for this to come out. It looks like it going to be one of the most enjoyable multiplayer games that I have ever been able to play! I thought the trailer for it was so badass and I love the music that was in the trailer too. The graphics looks so good and I really just can't wait to get my hands on this game! I have always been a fan of Borderlands and I think that gearbox is going to knock it out of the park with this game! Can't wait!


Well-Known Member
Wow, somehow never heard of this game, this looks awesome! This is by the borderlands crew?? Wow! It's like Christmas right now :D!


Well-Known Member
These character designs and aesthetics look so cool! And seeing how it's being created by the guys behind Borderlands and Borderlands 2, two of my favourite games, I expect it to be as fun and awesome as them! Also, it's a first-person shooter MOBA! How awesome is that!


Well-Known Member
Very nice! Good choice that they went with the cartoonish style. I love that style in video games. Looking forward to this for sure.


Well-Known Member

Don't forget the open beta guys! Here's the dates! Anyways, yup, the game is by Gearbox who created Borderlands. That's why we're sure of the quality of the game. As for those wondering why they opted to create Battleborn instead of a Borderlands 3 game, well, there is a Borderlands pre-sequel game in the works. But that needs another thread, lol. But yeah, I hope their first try into the multiplayer game venture is a success!


Well-Known Member
It's definitely a more cartoonish style than Overwatch, but I wouldn't expect anything else from the makers of Borderlands. One thing I am a bit worried about though is that the many colors could be disconcerting, especially given the frantic pace and messy teamfights inherent in MOBAs,


Well-Known Member
You're right they do look good. Now I'm looking forward to trying this game out myself. For some reason I care about graphics in this genre a lot more than in other games. In other genres I usually don't care about the graphics at all but in this one I think looking good contributes a lot.


Well-Known Member
It's definitely a more cartoonish style than Overwatch, but I wouldn't expect anything else from the makers of Borderlands. One thing I am a bit worried about though is that the many colors could be disconcerting, especially given the frantic pace and messy teamfights inherent in MOBAs,

It's definitely cartoonish as compared to Overwatch:


But that's what gives it the appeal to me actually. I love Battleborn just because of the uniqueness of the graphics as compared to other MOBAs. I do understand your concern though. I guess we'll see in the game if it can hold up well. If I can get into the open beta, I'll be sure to give my feedback on it.


Well-Known Member
The graphics of the actual game didn't disappoint. I was pretty shocked how sharp the graphics were of the actual gameplay. it kind of has a capcom feel to the graphics.


Well-Known Member
Yup, graphics-wise the game focuses on 2D, colourful heroes which can be a bit cartoon-y for some. I cannot say that it's the same as the graphics in Borderlands though. For me, they are an entirely different design and style when it comes to graphics.

I didn't have any problem running the game on my PC. But I have read lots of accounts of people having problem with loading the game and the lagging as well. Could it be that Gearbox has not considered optimisation for this game? Can any of you guys share your experience with regards to lagging?


I really like these graphics, for which I always liked the graphics of Battleborn. It almost has a 3d feel for its animation, although a real 3d effect would be nice. Nonetheless, I do enjoy the setting of the game also.


I'll never forget when I first saw the introduction teaser trailer, and I fell in love immediately. I'm the kind of gamer who loves things like minions, so this type of imagery is perfect for me in a game. It's never been done before, and I think it's going to be done in a fantastic way. It's fun, but allows for competitive game play in professional gaming competitions.


Well-Known Member
Wow, nice artwork, I love the cartoon-ish look and I think if they keep this design for their models the game will look amazing!