Favorite exclusive XBOX games?


Well-Known Member
I think everyone loves the Halo series, at least the majority of the people. :D Halo 5 recently got released as well, and it's pretty hard to top it off.


New Member
Call me crazy, but I've never been a fan of the Halo series. I do love Destiny though. I think my favorite Xbox exclusive is Sunset Overdrive. it's so fun and it's extremely unique. I've spent so many hours playing it, and I have never played a game quite like it before. If you've never played it before I highly recommend it.


Well-Known Member
Call me crazy, but I've never been a fan of the Halo series. I do love Destiny though. I think my favorite Xbox exclusive is Sunset Overdrive. it's so fun and it's extremely unique. I've spent so many hours playing it, and I have never played a game quite like it before. If you've never played it before I highly recommend it.
No one's gonna call you crazy for not liking Halo, everyone has their own tastes but they have a pretty big fanbase! :p Sunset Overdrive is also fun.


Well-Known Member
Not a fan of Halo either. It's too... casual for my tastes. The first game was pretty revolutionary though.


Well-Known Member
I think Halo would be my favorite, but that's just because I don't like many of the exclusives. I have fond memories of playing Halo with my brother when I was a child. I never understood the concept because I was so young, but I did have a lot of fun...


Well-Known Member
Well I just tried Sunset Overdrive yesterday and it's on its way to become one of my favorite games. Thanks Charris!


Well-Known Member
Well I just tried Sunset Overdrive yesterday and it's on its way to become one of my favorite games. Thanks Charris!

I've never heard of Sunset Overdrive. I'm going to have to look into this! I just looked into it and it's way different than what I was expecting. :)


Well-Known Member
You are probably going to like it. Its a pretty crazy and refreshing game.


Well-Known Member
I never owned an Xbox One, but I do have a 360 and... Xbox has exclusives? Outside of Halo, not a single game pops into my mind that was exclusive to 360. Xbox One maybe, but I don't think I've heard of any. Except maybe newest Tomb Raider, but that's sorta "fake" exclusive since you'll be able to play it on other platforms next year.
Man, you said "exclusive" and I literally cannot think of anything other than Halo. Halo 5 was fun, but not definitely not a game that I will remember being epic. Maybe it's because I've played all the others and it just doesn't quite do it for me anymore. Forza is a great game as well, but I didn't feel the need to spend money on the newest one. I tend to only buy a new Forza game every few years. I buy a lot of games and I can't think of one exclusive that I really really enjoyed. My current game is Rainbow Six: Siege.


Active Member
Halo is a given for me. I've always bought the Halo games (except 5, since it seemed like a disappointment) and I would consider myself a fan of it to some extent. Titanfall, although it wasn't an exclusive, was heavily marketed and I certainly bought into it. That was very halo-like and gave me about 3 months of fun.


Well-Known Member
Halo is a given for me. I've always bought the Halo games (except 5, since it seemed like a disappointment) and I would consider myself a fan of it to some extent. Titanfall, although it wasn't an exclusive, was heavily marketed and I certainly bought into it. That was very halo-like and gave me about 3 months of fun.
I liked the Halo 5 a lot, though I must admit that it didn't have the same feel like the past games. Still, it's a good game to play.


Call me crazy, but I've never been a fan of the Halo series. I do love Destiny though. I think my favorite Xbox exclusive is Sunset Overdrive. it's so fun and it's extremely unique. I've spent so many hours playing it, and I have never played a game quite like it before. If you've never played it before I highly recommend it.

I can relate to this so much. To begin, Sunset Overdrive was my favorite Xbox exclusive game. When it comes to the Halo series, however, it never really hooked me like it did others. Gameplay seemed quite average and boring, to be honest. I did enjoy Halo 4 (2012) when it was released.


It got a release on PC and other platforms later, but I would say the game I would have liked the most on xbox one (I don't have one) would have been Dead Rising 3. I loved the first two (or should I say three..) and I find this game to be as good as them.