Do you still play anymore?


Well-Known Member
I personally don't have the same feelings about this game anymore. Don't get me wrong, it is cool and all that but I kind of got bored of it. Waiting for something new to pop out.
Yeah,I still play, but mainly the redux versions, still tryna get ask achievements. I really like sneaking around, so I've always found the tower pack difficult in last light, so I'm yet to complete the, I've of the last achievements to get

But if I'll still be playing in a year remains to be seen,a new metro may be out by then
Yeah,I still play, but mainly the redux versions, still tryna get ask achievements. I really like sneaking around, so I've always found the tower pack difficult in last light, so I'm yet to complete the, I've of the last achievements to get

But if I'll still be playing in a year remains to be seen,a new metro may be out by then

I still have some achievements to get but I kind of got sick of it, really. I'm patiently waiting for the new iteration of the franchise.
There's only so much you can play of any game before it becomes tiresome. I actually haven't played any of the Metro games in a long time, but I think I might head in for an all-Russian playthrough of each game in a few months (I usually played with Russian audio and Polish subtitles, but this time I'd just go for everything in Russian to see how much I can understand). Been planning to do the same with Stalker. Games can be helpful with learning other languages.
I'm actually currently doing an all russian playthrough of 2033 atm!
but seeing as i only have a vague understanding of the language, limited to small talk and how to order a drink in a bar, i mainly work off memory from other playthroughs instead of actual understanding
i only have a vague understanding of the language, limited to small talk and how to order a drink in a bar
This is probably what it would look like if I was ordering drinks at a bar in Russia:

-Me: Здравствуй! Одна водка, пожалуйста.
-Bartender: Которая?
-Me: Хмм... может быть Зелёная Марка.
-Bartender: Сколько?
-Me: Ну, я сказал одна, да?
-Bartender: Как так? Что ты говоришь?
-Me: Ах, ну да... как сказать... pięćdziesiąt mililitrów?
-Bartender: Чё?
-Me: *nervously searches pockets, after a minute finds some crumpled paper and a pen – writes “50 мл” on it and shows it to the bartender with a stupid smile on his face*
-Bartender: Ага, ясно! *smiles back, walks over to grab the shot glass and bottle, whilst muttering to himself:* Глупые пшеки.
Havent played in ages, fun fact i went through 2033 on my first go in russian with no subtitles because i did not know i could change the launguage so i had no idea what was going on
Given how I'm British, and therefore have to be exceedingly polite to strangers I would inevitably end up in a bar trying to finish an entire bottle of vodka I had accidentally ordered just so I didn't seem ungrateful.
yes, i pay now and then, i like to be in that post apocalyptic environment, you survive how you can
, i find inner peace
I still pop it on from time to time- the only problem is that I am constantly waiting for some sort of innovation in the franchise.
I wish they would atleast release some sort of modding creation kit so we could get custom campaigns and stuff.
I mean- how cool would it be to play a brand new story showing the daily life of a Reich Soldier or a Red Conscript?
I do get bored with games quickly. I thought I was the only one until I came on this thread.

I never play the same game more than one year unless I go MIA then come back to play it many months later