Do you like Sherlock (TV Series)?


Many people have told me that this TV Show is one of the bests and I should definitely watch it. I also like detective styled TV Shows so I think this show might be the right choice for me. What do you think? Have you watched Sherlock? Did you like it?


Well-Known Member
I had several occasions in the past where I've seen these Sherlock Holmes series at home with my wife and kids. Basically it's a smart thing and really entertaining, to think that this concept of detective stories isn't really something new or novel and has been written for so many decades now. But the producers have made an innovative venture of presenting an old stuff in a more crisp, entertaining, and contemporary way.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, like you I like watching detective movies and spy movies too. I watch Sherlock several times in Netflix. I can say its really one of the best series I watch on Netflix. I like the actors too.