Do you have your own character lore? Post here!


Active Member
I wrote a short story for my GW2 character. Here is the short(er) version of it. Let me know what you think and feel free to post your story!!


My elementalist will be the great-great grand daughter of my main GW character.
Here is a short history.

After bearing the scars of living a heroine's life, Onyx's (my GW main) daughter swore she would never use magic (even though she was blessed with an arcane surge passed down from her mother) after learning of the events that distroyed her mother Onyx and her father Aylendor.

Aylendor, Onyx learned, was the spawn of Menzies the Mad and a necromancer so evil no one dare speak her name. After months of planning, Onyx decided to implement a plan to rid the world of her husband, a man responsible for much of the destruction and misery transgressed upon the people of Tyria and the unknown cause of her constantly being called to battle.
Onyx took her daughter Jade to her friend and fellow elementalist to keep her safe. She drew her husband Aylendor to the distant land called Sacnoth Valley once rich and dense in vegetation.
There in Sacnoth Valley, Aylendor, upon learning of his wife's discovery of his true identity, sunk into an abyss of melancholy. Although they were motivated by opposing ideology, they shared a true love. Onyx pleaded with her husband to forsake his father and the philosophy which drove him to an insatiable hunger for power and domination. Much to Aylendor's chagrin, he knew his father would never allow Onyx to live knowing what she did, and Jade would either be raised as a child of darkness, or a slave.

Aylendor's melancholy turned to anger, then rage as his hunger for blood was the only thing greater than his love for Onyx and a fierce battle ensued between the two. Both fire elementalists, they called upon the great powers of fire in a magical dance of death. As glowing embers softly floated against the darkened skies, Aylendor's charred corps lay among the ashes and scorched remnants of a once fertile Forrest. Onyx stood starring at his charred remains and became overcome with grief. In a moment of her deepest despair, she bellowed and loud shriek and at that very moment all the elemental forces which she was meticulously taught to control all her life was simultaneously released and consumed her, leaving behind a molten crater know today as the Fissure of Woe.

When neither Onyx or Aylendor returned to reclaim Jade, she was raised by her guardian. Jade, not knowing of the cataclysmic events that took her parents from her, felt abandoned and rejected the life her parents led for a more domestic and less adventurous one. She later married and bore 9 children including her 5th child, a girl named Malorith.
Malorith was raised as a normal child who was anything but. She quickly showed a propensity for magic. At the age of 13 she witnessed a bear charging at her brother Elias. She screamed "Elias, RUN!" and pointed at the bear charging him. Just at that moment, a fireball erupted from her pointing finger as a flaming arrow and quickly covered the distance between her, Elias, and finally the bear. It not only killed the bear, but continuing to travel wrapped itself around and up her mother's favorite apple tree reducing it to a stump.

Jade approached Malorith slowly, shaking and slack jawed. She soon took relentless action to suppress the use of magic by her daughter fearing it would lead to the same end as her mother, whatever that was. Malorith grew up knowing she was different and secretly practicing and honing her skills unbeknownst to her mother. In time Malorith grew to be one of the most powerful Elementalist in the area but she respected her mother's wishes that she not show the world her gift.

After falling in love with her childhood friend, Malorith married Naben, a power Mesmer in his own right, yet honorable and full of charity. Together they had 7 children and their 4th child, at the age of only 2 began to exhibit her own powers.
Malorith and Naben both had a vision of their daughter and knew once they saw magic in her, that the visions were a prophecy. They hid their child's talent from the world knowing that there would be some who would seek to kill her upon learning of a child so young with this gift. The secretly worked hard to not only teach their daughter how to become stronger and control the elements, but they also taught her to be honorable and humble.

The name of this child will be revealed at game launch and maybe I will elaborate more on the story and back story! :)


As I replied in another thread. My main in GW2 will be a Sylvari Ranger named Notrub Ekim (NE2). The short version is that the human Notrub Ekim in GW1 (NE1) died and was buried in the Grove. The NE2 experienced the life of NE1 during the Dream of Dreams and took and took on her persona. I even have a personal quest worked out where NE2 will find where NE1 is buried which will start a journey to the HoM to retrieve the artifacts left behind by NE1. Since their is no direct lineage between the two.
This is a small part of the bio for my main character. What server do you RP on?
There is a big RP community on Tarnished Coast. I think it will stay there after launch.


The Basics

Age: 1 year Awake

Race: Sylvari

Gender: Male

Profession: Necromancer , Explorer

Occupation: Travel Tyria and learn about the other races beliefs, morals and there day to day life.

Order: Codifier for the Black Orchid Society. Cycle of Dawn.



Fashion of choice:
He will wear anything that fits and he likes. He is very curious about the concept of clothes. He knows he must cover himself to be accepted around the other races. He has no sense of style and doesn't know how to mix colors. If he finds a piece of clothing with an interesting pattern he will wear it no matter what color or pattern. He may look garish at times. He does not like to wear shoes.

Weapons of choice: Dagger + Warhorn and Staff


Melvein is a free spirit. He seems childishly naive and is happy and friendly,

He respects authority and will always listen to the advice of those in charge. If given a task he will work very hard to complete it. He is very through at everything he does because he feels he has a great responsibility to BOSS and to The Dream.

He has the physical body type of a male but if asked "Are you male or female?" he will answer "I am Sylvari." He doesn't understand why other races put so much importance on gender, The gender roles of the other major races confuse him.

He is very curious about everything and will take alot of time to explore a new area. He may stay in an out of the way location for weeks before reporting in. He gets lost easy because he doesn't pay attention to where he's going. He just goes in the direction that looks interesting.

He loves to talk to people and ask alot of questions about there lives. This may seem to others that he is getting too personal but he is genuinely curious about them. He wants to understand the races of Tyria. All the races not just the accepted ones. This will probably lead him to situations that will be difficult to get out of. He is still learning about the different races and there morals and beliefs so mistakes can happen.

Melvein is a Necromancer but doesn't understand much about death. To a Sylvari death is a new concept. Plants wither and go in the ground to enrich the soil so other plants can grow. It is a natural part of life. He doesn't under stand the emotions that the other races use to deal with death. Morning, rage, revenge, fear, hatred are all emotions that he can't understand.

Strengths, talents, and points of pride:

Curious, fun loving and friendly. He is easy to get along with. Tenacious in his search for understanding. There are no strangers to Maeluvein just friends he hasn't met yet.

Weaknesses, detriments, and points of improvement:

He has no concept of personal space. If something catches his attention he must see it up close. Even touch it.
He hasn't learned about danger yet. He has been told the world is dangerous but doesn't really understand what that is. What is danger? What does it look like, feel like? His curiosity of the other races may lead him into alot of situations for him to learn what danger is.
When he meets someone new he may ask alot of questions about there personal lives that may anger those that are not saintly patient.

Not physically strong he will run away if he is over whelmed and they get to close.


Background Details

Melvein Awakened in The Grove early one morning about a year ago. He spent the first 8 months learning about the world from the Firstborn.
Aife told him about his visits to the main cities of the other races. This fed Melvein's couriousity.
Dagonet asked him to think about his Dream and what he saw. So he thinks about that often and wonders how his actions will effect the Dream of the Un-Awakened.

When he first discovered he had power over the dead he was excited. He never liked the fighter training. He doesn't like being hit and is not very strong. It was hard to draw a bow and his aim was terrible. Trahearne showed him how to use his new power to harm others from a distance using poison and cold. He summons pets that he loves. They go with him everywhere. He has given them names. He believes they are the same pets every time and they just go to sleep in the ground till he summons them again.


The Ventari Tablet as a guideline and the lessons of the Firstborn. No god or religion. He is curious about the other races and what they call gods.


The Pale Tree is his mother and all Sylvari are brothers and sisters. He will adopt others he meets into his family and will call them brother and sister as well. He may see the members of BOSS as his family also.


Explore the world of Tyria and learn about the races there. To carry on the Dream. Hunt down and kill the Elder Dragons.

Recent history:

He is exploring the area around the Pale Tree. Training his Necromancy skills and learning as much as he can from Trahearne. He is getting ready to leave the grove soon and wants to be as prepared as he can. It is hard to wait. He wants to leave now but listens to the Firstborn to let him know when he is ready.

Notable relationships:

  • Aife ( Luminary of the Cycle of Dawn) his teacher on the races of Tyria and diplomacy.
  • Kahedins - first Sylvari he met when he Awakened. Helped him learn the basics of life. Eating, drinking, walking and how to take care of himself.
  • Trahearne - Good friend and teaches him how to use his Necromancy.
  • Rizmus - Sylvari and best friend. Awakened on the same day as Melvein.
  • Wiggles (Blood Fiend) - Is a fearless friend that will give his all to protect Melvein.
  • Mittens and Muffin (Twin Bone Minions) - Muffin is always out in front and the first to run in when there is danger. Mittens doesn't like to fight but will follow his twin.
  • Fluffy ( Shadow Fiend) - Stays close to Melvein and watches over him. He has a warm earthy scent that Melvein finds relaxing.


New Member

I wrote a short story for my GW2 character. Here is the short(er) version of it. Let me know what you think and feel free to post your story!! ************************ My elementalist will be the great-great grand daughter of my main GW character. Here is a short history. After bearing the scars of living a heroine's life, Onyx's (my GW main) daughter swore she would never use magic (even though she was blessed with an arcane surge passed down from her mother) after learning of the events that distroyed her mother Onyx and her father Aylendor. Aylendor, Onyx learned, was the spawn of Menzies the Mad and a necromancer so evil no one dare speak her name. After months of planning, Onyx decided to implement a plan to rid the world of her husband, a man responsible for much of the destruction and misery transgressed upon the people of Tyria and the unknown cause of her constantly being called to battle. Onyx took her daughter Jade to her friend and fellow elementalist to keep her safe. She drew her husband Aylendor to the distant land called Sacnoth Valley once rich and dense in vegetation. There in Sacnoth Valley, Aylendor, upon learning of his wife's discovery of his true identity, sunk into an abyss of melancholy. Although they were motivated by opposing ideology, they shared a true love. Onyx pleaded with her husband to forsake his father and the philosophy which drove him to an insatiable hunger for power and domination. Much to Aylendor's chagrin, he knew his father would never allow Onyx to live knowing what she did, and Jade would either be raised as a child of darkness, or a slave. Aylendor's melancholy turned to anger, then rage as his hunger for blood was the only thing greater than his love for Onyx and a fierce battle ensued between the two. Both fire elementalists, they called upon the great powers of fire in a magical dance of death. As glowing embers softly floated against the darkened skies, Aylendor's charred corps lay among the ashes and scorched remnants of a once fertile Forrest. Onyx stood starring at his charred remains and became overcome with grief. In a moment of her deepest despair, she bellowed and loud shriek and at that very moment all the elemental forces which she was meticulously taught to control all her life was simultaneously released and consumed her, leaving behind a molten crater know today as the Fissure of Woe. When neither Onyx or Aylendor returned to reclaim Jade, she was raised by her guardian. Jade, not knowing of the cataclysmic events that took her parents from her, felt abandoned and rejected the life her parents led for a more domestic and less adventurous one. She later married and bore 9 children including her 5th child, a girl named Malorith. Malorith was raised as a normal child who was anything but. She quickly showed a propensity for magic. At the age of 13 she witnessed a bear charging at her brother Elias. She screamed "Elias, RUN!" and pointed at the bear charging him. Just at that moment, a fireball erupted from her pointing finger as a flaming arrow and quickly covered the distance between her, Elias, and finally the bear. It not only killed the bear, but continuing to travel wrapped itself around and up her mother's favorite apple tree reducing it to a stump. Jade approached Malorith slowly, shaking and slack jawed. She soon took relentless action to suppress the use of magic by her daughter fearing it would lead to the same end as her mother, whatever that was. Malorith grew up knowing she was different and secretly practicing and honing her skills unbeknownst to her mother. In time Malorith grew to be one of the most powerful Elementalist in the area but she respected her mother's wishes that she not show the world her gift. After falling in love with her childhood friend, Malorith married Naben, a power Mesmer in his own right, yet honorable and full of charity. Together they had 7 children and their 4th child, at the age of only 2 began to exhibit her own powers. Malorith and Naben both had a vision of their daughter and knew once they saw magic in her, that the visions were a prophecy. They hid their child's talent from the world knowing that there would be some who would seek to kill her upon learning of a child so young with this gift. The secretly worked hard to not only teach their daughter how to become stronger and control the elements, but they also taught her to be honorable and humble. The name of this child will be revealed at game launch and maybe I will elaborate more on the story and back story!
You are wrong . Think again over his remark.