Did you play Metro 2033 as well?


Well-Known Member
I mean, a lot of people started out with Metro 2033 and then continued with the franchise to play Last Light, but is this the case for you as well?
Yep. I think that's the case for most if not all of the long-time members here who are still active.
Lol did not check this site for almost a year: still people here?

OT: yea of course, and it was my favorite. I think the number one thing i like about metro 2033 was the feeling of a strange world and the feeling of leading an innocent boy, who had only seen his own metro station, through the dark world of the Moscow Metro just to save his home metro station. And while at it, would come across other conflicts between for example the reds and the Nazis, which conflict was pretty big, but the objective for Artyom was far greater. Not everyone has a clear picture of what is what in the metro, due to poor and primitive communication methods, and isolation between different stations in general. Rumors where everywhere, it was just a dark time, and everyone tried to stay alive in the first place, politics came second. Stations really felt isolated from each other, every single one doing what they could to survive. Almost no one really knew about the dark ones, other than some stories they heard. you had stories like this about almost every station, so why would people take this story serious and as a real tread? Life went on, no one knowing Artyom and the rangers saved the whole metro.

In metro Last Light, it looked liked almost everyone was having a nice existence, soldiers armed to the teeth are more abundant, everyone had laser sights and other rare optics. It all felt more like life in the metro was not that hard, except for the huge war between the nazis and the reds. Every metro station you entered in metro 2033 was a new surprise, you almost never knew what to expect. In Last light, the world felt a lot saver and less dangerous, more predictable even.

Politics do not interest me in a Metro game: the mysterious unknown treads to everyone that have to be neutralized by the last well equipped skilled strike force, loyal to no one but humanity itself, a group which goes where NO ONE ELSE dares to go, a group only driven by the goal to save humanity from unseen, not completely understood treads, do interest me though.
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Lol did not check this site for almost a year: still people here?
Yes, this forum has existed for almost 2 years before you joined, so why would it randomly die when you left?

Anyway, I agree with what you said about Last Light. I preferred Last Light's visuals because they were less depressing, but Metro 2033 was indeed slightly better at portraying the misery of people in the metro - not only through the fact that the setting felt more authentic with scarcity and hardship all round, but also due to the atmosphere created by the colder visuals. The nuclear winter just made it extremely sorrowful.
Yes, this forum has existed for almost 2 years before you joined, so why would it randomly die when you left?

I have lurked here for those two years, The metro franchise is amazing, and I follow every little bit of news with a spying glass, I dare to describe myself as a quite the fan, recommending this game to everyone I know(not looking here for almost a year makes me less of a hardcore fan sadly). :painkiller:

But I thought with last light long released, and no hype for a new one, things would be really, really quiet here. I was happy to see that there where even several topics that had reactions from today! :D

Anyway, I agree with what you said about Last Light. I preferred Last Light's visuals because they were less depressing, but Metro 2033 was indeed slightly better at portraying the misery of people in the metro - not only through the fact that the setting felt more authentic with scarcity and hardship all round, but also due to the atmosphere created by the colder visuals. The nuclear winter just made it extremely sorrowful.

Yea, life in the metro just felt, even though it was still grim, a little to easy to me in last light, it was almost more like some sort of fantasy game with its monsters and factions, than it was a post-nuclear present (our) time. A little bit exaggerated, but I hope you get my point.
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But I thought with last light long released, and no hype for a new one, things would be really, really quiet here. I was happy to see that there where even several topics that had reactions from today! :D
No man, I wasn't questioning how much of a fan you are, I just misinterpreted your post slightly. ;) But yeah, that's a fair point, it's hard to keep things like this going without any official news. To be honest, I think this forum should have just been "re-branded" as "Metro Forum" (or perhaps something a bit more original) long ago to highlight the fact that we talk about all sorts of things here and not just LL. On top of that, I think we should promote the Metro Wiki more explicitly here on the main page (just like they give us publicity on their homepage)... but all of those things are beyond our power and only our admin has the authority to change that. Maybe I'll suggest something like this in staff discussion, but I don't know whether anyone else would be up for that and our admin may not want to go through the hassle to change all this (even our address says "lastlightforum").

Yea, life in the metro just felt, even though it was still grim, a little to easy to me in last light, it was almost more like some sort of fantasy game with its monsters and factions, than it was a post-nuclear present (our) time. A little bit exaggerated, but I hope you get my point.
Absolutely. I mean, I still loved Last Light, but it didn't feel like the same Metro anymore.
I haven't played it. Is it a free game and on what devices is it available? I can see it is a good game by just reading the comments.