Airmech, What do you guys think of it?


AirMech is undoubtably inspired by the DOTA/MOBA crowd (we can pleasurably call it a crowd now) of games. The premise is that you control a single robot that can attack both in air an don the ground, and has the purpose of protecting ground assets aimed at controlled a battlefield and destroying your opponent's HQ. It's not exactly origianl but it is fun. I think the graphics are adequate to good and the controls precise. Notably, the transformation graphics for the mechs are very nice, on par with various animes and other games out there. The excitement of each battle really is a lot of fun and keeps you on the edge of your seat. The learning curve is also complemented by a sufficient amount of bot training provided.

If you haven't already played it you guys should check it out!


Well-Known Member
I tried it out and it was okay for a browser MOBA, however I'm not sure how often I would play it unless a vast majority of my friends were interested to mess around in it.

I wish there would be more interest for a serious mecha MOBA, there is a huge crowd that would probably be all over a well done one!


Well-Known Member
Sounds great, thanks for sharing this with us. I'm actually interested in a mech MOBA because I'm a bit tired of the average theme of fantastical costumes and would prefer a change of pace. Hopefully this will fill that need for me.


Well-Known Member
It looks really cool from the gameplay videos and trailers, but I never really have the time these days to start playing new games and learning the moves and all that. Lately, since I've been so busy at work, I just stick to games that I have known for years, like League of Legends and Dota 2, since I have played them back in college, and the games haven't changed that much through the years. With Airmech, as cool as it sounds and as awesome as it looks in the game, I really don't feel like learning a new game with lots of things to remember being a MOBA game.


Well-Known Member
Perhaps if there is enough interest we can gather around some people off the forums and give the game a try, there doesn't seem to be enough people playing at a time to try a proper game..


Well-Known Member
It was actually a well made game for a browser-based game. The combat is fluid and interesting. This is the thing that kills me about gaming nowadays... if this quality of game is basically free, how can overwatch charge $40, when I think the combat in this game is just as good.


Well-Known Member
Never heard of this game before but it doesn't seem too bad from what I've read. Looks decent for a browser-based game, the combat system is pretty sweet.


Well-Known Member
I played it for a good while and enjoyed it immensely. I got bored eventually and had to give it a rest, but I go back to it from time to time.


Well-Known Member
Seems like a promising platform, MOBA looks to be going strong. As for the game itself, I think it has a lot of potential but didn't win me over at the moment, I think I'm burned out on MOBA after lol.


Well-Known Member
I have yet to try this game, but from what I have read so far, it might definitely be worth it.


Well-Known Member
I have heard some pretty positive reviews, but they were those types of reviews where you could tell the only people writing were somewhat biased and they really liked the game. I think that I have gotten pretty good at sussing those ones out in my review reading experience, which is a good thing. I might need to know a little more before spending any money it, but I would certainly give it a try.


Active Member
Airmech was a bit boring, to be honest. I didn't get much further than the tutorial. After about 9 minutes, I put the game down. Airmech is just not everyone in the gaming world....


Active Member
Wowsers, I forgot all about this Airmech discussion. Airmech was never a catchy game. The title alone was so lame, in my opinion....


Well-Known Member
For the very first time I played AirMech, I did not like the experience since it appeared too difficult. When I sat down properly to understand it, I definitely had no problem playing it. I have also introduced it to many of my fiends and family members.


Well-Known Member
My opinion about Airmech is that AirMech is like jumping into a Saturday morning Transformers cartoon and leading an army into battle but I almost always experienced server connection issues (and had others report the same). Single-player modes naturally don’t see this issue, but they’re not as fun or as challenging because bots aren't nearly as creative as human opponents. This alone makes it difficult to recommend, even though it does some cool stuff.


Active Member
I like the fact that airmech puts you in charge of AirMech puts you directly in command of a powerful transforming robot to dominate the battlefield. From the air, build and position your units anywhere you want. Then instantly transform into robot mode and fight alongside them.


I have many friends who are interested to play it. It must be a great fun to transform to robot instantly. I would play this game to enjoy the time as it seems that game is a better way of entertainment.


Well-Known Member
I like Airmech.
It is really a nice game to play using robots.
The fights in the game is fair and no violence is involved. I would highly recommend.