Thoughts on Yasuo?

Discussion in 'League of Legends (MOBA)' started by soupsalad, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. soupsalad

    soupsalad Member

    Dec 15, 2013
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    So the new champion Yasuo has been out for a little bit now and I was wondering what thoughts you guys had on him. A lot of people seem to think he's very strong but what makes him so strong exactly? Do you guys build him as a tanky dps or pure AD and how do you feel he fits the current meta?
  2. heyhowareyou

    heyhowareyou Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2013
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    He's a decent laner, and if he gets fed he can 1v5 your whole team with his ult, even your tanks, but he has subpar escape when you all in him, and he starts off extremely squishy, like squishier than pretty much all other AD solo laners. Also, unlike other AD mids, most mage characters destroy him. If he doesn't have ult, he pretty much can't kill you. If you build him pure AD he's going to be way too squishy, so you have to get a few tanky items later. He doesn't particularly scale well with health and armor though, so even with 1 or 2 tank items he's still gonna be easy to kill late game, unless you go pure tank, in which case you will do no damage.
    People are wrecking with him right now because we're still learning how to fight him, but all in all I don't think he's a very good character.
    He's an all or nothing early game champ (like Rengar or Patheon, except even they can go tank if they don't get fed), and those types of champs aren't usually very good in the grand scheme of things.
  3. mauricioq

    mauricioq Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    In my opinion he's fine. Yasuo is one of those champions who can carry the game very hard if he gets a couple kills at the start or fall behind if that doesn't happen. I like him, he's very fun to play.
  4. rightct

    rightct Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2015
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    That wind ability is definitely something!
    But now, in 2015, it seems that they nerfed him very much, and it's overall not that worthy of playing anymore.... meh
  5. AlexKabam

    AlexKabam Member

    May 27, 2015
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    Way to revive an old thread. Yeah right now Yasuo is pretty fine. He really loses most lanes but a skilled Yasuo player will be very dangerous, especially with everyone underestimating him due to past changes. The flow change hurts his laning while getting poked, but a skillful agressive Yas might be able to abuse the extra HP on the shield to win trades. Unfortunately, successful Yas play does and will (barring buffs) require some degree of misplay from most lane opponents.
  6. mwin43587

    mwin43587 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2015
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    It is fun to have a yasuo on your team, but in contrast, it is a nightmare if yasuo is on your enemy. I still believe that, there is no bad champion if the player using that champion is good. Yasuo is an overpower champion, he can hit critically with a fast attack speed in the early game. He is strong enough to take down 2 newbie enemies in his lane in the early game. Yasuo has a very good attack damage and speed but has a bad defense.
  7. FuZyOn

    FuZyOn Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    I think that Yasuo kind of fell off the meta. He gets outclassed by most mid-lane champions nowadays, although he can really turn games around if played correctly.
  8. Obi

    Obi Well-Known Member

    Jun 3, 2015
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    Like mwin said, there's never a bad champ, just hard to master. I mained Yasuo cause he was OP when he came out and I was a noob, but now that he's more difficult to play I still find him to be quite a threat if played correctly.
  9. Burt Povski

    Burt Povski Well-Known Member

    Jun 22, 2014
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    He's not bad right now. But I haven't seem him in games lately. Maybe people just don't like him anymore.
  10. edesapa

    edesapa Active Member

    Jun 3, 2015
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    He still has the potential, after some nerfs, but he isn't as popular anymore as he used to be. I think he is still a viable pick, but most mages can easily poke him out of midlane. He requires a lot of skill to be played well.
  11. Working Buck

    Working Buck Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2016
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    I think Yasuo is really squishy, if it will be played by a newbie then he would be feeding the enemy from start to finish. I am not saying that it would make the player look stupid, but playing Yasuo isn't really for newbies. It would take a ton of practice for some to play him well. I don't even want to use this champ since I have used him playing with bots. He is squishy but does a ton of damage, he can carry the whole team if he is well fed but he is a bit hard for me to play with. That's why I love players who can use Yasuo well and really hate those who can't. I mean it's just fine if you're practicing in a normal game, but if you can't play well with this champ, don't ever play a ranked game using him.