My feedback on the game

Discussion in 'Metro: Last Light General Discussion' started by hoppiplopp, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. hoppiplopp

    hoppiplopp New Member

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Finished the game yesterday and here is some feedback (have played the games ones on hardcore difficulty (PC-version)):

    Visually (tech+art) this is the most amazing game I have ever played I think. There are so many images that are stuck with me. Like the panorama when you exit Venice, Red Square, spider's nests, that windy bridge (best wind effects ever), dead city and much, much more. It's such a treat to just absorb everything.

    Some of the mechanics are also great. I love how your mask gets covered in various stuff that you have to wipe off. It's such a clever little idea that really adds to the immersion. Similarily the flashlight/NV and filter mechaincis are awesome. I do think the game is too generous with resources, which lessens the survival experience some (I understand there is a ranger difficulty sold seperately).

    Another thing I appreciate is the gameplay variety. Fighting humans and monsters are very different experiences. Then there are several scripted sequences and city hubs to explore and take in the lore. I like the feeling of finally reaching a safe zone after some time in the Metro/surface.

    Not everything about the game is great though. My biggest issue by far is just how linear it is. This is damaging for several reasons. The city hubs (not sure what to call these, hope it's clear what I mean) feels like museums rather than lived in places. You just walk the line and look into various dioramas. I can understand why, as it makes the impressive level of detail in the game more manageable, but it does hurt immersion and the believability of the world.

    When exploring the Metro the linear structure takes away from the horror. Feeling a bit lost adds a lot of tension and desperation. When you know you can just run straight it just doesn't feel right. It also makes the enviroments feel artificial. In stealth sequences you can see how enemies have been placed out as bread crumbs to lead you on the right path. Instead of making the player feel smart (the goal of a good stealth game) it makes the player feel treated as a child (exaggerating here).

    Speaking of stealth. I'm all for easy stealth tbh, but this game goes a little bit too far even by my casual standards. Enemies just stand there with their back towards you waiting to get killed. Also the light/dark mechanic is cool but that you are conpletely invisible in the dark is a bit odd as you can clearly see your enemies. I'm also not a fan of the sound design in stealth. There is this very loud sound sometimes when you kill an enemy that makes you think you are spotted (I think it signals you have avoided being spotted by kiling the last alerted enemy, or something). It's very confusing. I also dislike how enemies say something just before you slit their throat from behind.

    One technical addition I would like is better bullet impact on both monsters and humans. Max Patne 3 and Binary Domain are real cool in this area and worth checking out!

    Final word: I really, really enjoyed this game overall! Despite some flaws (the excessive linearity being the most serious one) it's still a fantastic FPS! I would love to play a third game in the series (or whatever 4A decides to make next)!
    #1 hoppiplopp, Dec 31, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2013
  2. TheDarknessEnvelops

    TheDarknessEnvelops Lion Triumphant

    Oct 7, 2012
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    This is a really good review, I think the linearity is there because it is so story driven but it is a bit of a problem. I also think if a third game was made, they may perfect the stealth between m2033's difficulty and Mll's ease
  3. hoppiplopp

    hoppiplopp New Member

    Dec 31, 2013
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    Thanks for your comment :)!

    When it comes to linearity I don't mind that the overall structure is linear in the sense that the various hubs comes in a predetermined sequence and there's no way of going back. Like you said this design has story benefits and M:LL does have a very good narrative. My issue is that some of these hubs are too small and linear in themselves and that takes away from immersion and the kind of emotions I believe the game is trying to convey.

    Like I mentioned in my OP the populated levels feel artifical and not like lived in places. Another example woud be something like the botanical garden. If memory serves me right it's basically a "pipe" followed by an open boss area followed by a "pipe". It doesn't feel like a guarden at all. The horror element is diminished because at all times you know what to expect. The importance of mechanics like the compass and filters are lessened as well as you just walk the path given and you know that if you just keep up the pace, filters won't be an issue.

    I have nothing against linearity in general, but for some type of experiences (like survival horror) it just doesn't work imo. Also note that making some of these hubs larger and more maze like would have no impact on story.

    When it comes to stealth I agree with you that 2033 was just way too hard in that area. The lack of a take-down button, brutal detection rules and the hive mind style of the eneimes made it close to impossible in some spots (at least for me). If I had to choose I def prefer the design in LL. But I hope you are right that they will be able to strike a nice balance in the third game!
    #3 hoppiplopp, Jan 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 1, 2014
  4. DaGaMa

    DaGaMa Member

    Jan 7, 2014
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    Metro Last Light is an amazing game! The story for me is one of the most unforgettable ones! And the story behind the team (4A Games) and their struggle to finish the game in hard conditions!
  5. Frag Maniac

    Frag Maniac Active Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I would agree on stealth being too easy far sooner than I would call it too linear. There are many places where you can pick optional routes. They may seem like small deviations to some, but in a game like this, it can result in a much different experience.

    I also recall my first play through the swamp felt chaotic not knowing exactly how to avoid water and battling shrimps, as well as finding pickups. There's also plenty other places where you can if you choose to explore beyond the route you eventually have to take in hopes to find things.

    There's a huge difference between your first couple play throughs where you're trying to get a feel for where things are while worrying about filter time, and after having played through numerous times, and that's non linear enough for me in a horror shooter.

    Horror games always have to have a certain degree of linearity to emphasize dramatic moments and force a certain effect to deliver the intended feeling. And even when you play through it numerous times, you might find yourself changing some of the decisions you make.

    For me the only ones so far on Ranger Hardcore were FINALLY finding the stealth route through the armory in Revolution, and opting not to go into the long water filled side tunnel in Regina, where you get attacked by several mutants just to loot one corpse.