If you could change one thing about current WoW, what would it be?

Discussion in 'World of Warcraft' started by thisnthat, Jan 25, 2017.

  1. thisnthat

    thisnthat Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    If you had the choice of making one single change to the current game of WoW, what would you change? It can be something big or small. Would it be something that would impact the overall game or be beneficial to you (like making your favorite class OP or something)?

    I can think of a lot of things I'd change, but to keep it simple, I'll do one for now. I'd make WoW more challenging. That's kind of general, but I think anyone who has played for a while will get it. While it was never a super hardcore game, it did used to have a bit more challenge. I think some challenge makes things feel more rewarding.

  2. rz3300

    rz3300 Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    I think that I would add a little more violence, but I also realize that not too much and that might be a more negative change if it goes too far. Something in me just thinks that a little more edge would be good for the game at this point, but maybe not for everyone.
  3. thisnthat

    thisnthat Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2017
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    Can you give some details, please? I mean most of the game has killing... either monsters, bosses, or other players, so I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Do you mean like more graphic depictions of violence or even more killing? I don't know how that would look in the cartoonish, WoW setting.

    I think it would be a negative move if taken too far (especially since WoW seems to be marketing to kids). More edge, I can see, especially after they came out with fluffy pandas. I just don't know if that has to mean more violence (for me anyway).

    I guess I'm more about mechanics and stuff.

    Thanks for the reply.
    #3 thisnthat, Jan 25, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2017
: Wow