
Who is your favorite squadmate?

Discussion in 'Mass Effect' started by idlecuriosities, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Chris_A

    Chris_A Well-Known Member Regular

    I know what you mean, but the problem for me, was, that it showed how much they really rushed Mass Effect 3 out the door. I would have preferred a really well drawn artwork of her face or anything really, except what they delivered. Truly shameful for Bioware, imho.
  2. SereneAngel88

    SereneAngel88 Well-Known Member Regular

    That entire last 15 or so minutes of the game should be shameful for Bioware and Tali's face is just the cherry on top. It honestly makes me not want to look at the newest game coming out since I saw how they treated the last one...
  3. West

    West Well-Known Member Regular

    The thing is, I think that Tali could have gone masked the entire game. I feel like a really beautiful part of her romance arc was the fact that, for the most part, your attraction to her wasn't related to her appearance. I mean, yeah, she has great hips, but for most people (myself included) you fell in love with her adorkable personality. I think that some people would have been upset with never seeing her face, but for the most part, I would be happy with the choice. To keep the love blind.

    However, if they would reveal her face, in all honesty...it makes sense that she would look the way that she did. I think that a lot of people were expecting something, and that it was impossible for BioWare to meet that expectation, since they were so different across the board. That being said, it makes sense to me that she would look so "human". As progressive as BioWare is, I don't think they would really let you romance someone who some dudes may consider "ugly". I mean, look at your other romanceable females.
  4. Chris_A

    Chris_A Well-Known Member Regular

    I know what you mean, and I totally agree. I loved Tali for her cute and awkward personality, and didn`t care much about the face behind the mask. But what pissed me off was the fact that Bioware didn`t even go the length of hiring a concept artist to draw up a beautiful artwork regarding her face. They just took a stock photo and modified it in Photoshop. And that is really really cheap, imho.
  5. West

    West Well-Known Member Regular

    Yep. You know it's bad when the fans of your franchise are able to draw a better picture of a character than you can. A character that you created, and a character that you had several years to draw. I do agree that it seems really lazy. If they did show Tali as looking something like that, it wouldn't have much in-universe sense, but at least the effort would have been there, you know? It kind of cheapens the experience.
  6. Necrotica

    Necrotica Active Member Regular

    I always enjoyed interacting with both Garrus and Tali. They simply had great personalities and I found myself talking to them the most during my playthroughs. Plus, I always used Garrus in particular for sniper support while I'd go in with guns blazing :p
  7. Chris_A

    Chris_A Well-Known Member Regular

    I know what you mean, but these things happened more and more often, since Bioware got bought by EA. Either they are forced to rush things, or just got lazy and complacent, because they had huge success with their games. Mass Effect 3 as a whole was a rushed effort, and the ending was just the rotten cherry on top of it all. I really hope the company can pull itself together and once again create high quality games that no other company can. And I`m really curious for Mass Effect 4 in this regard.
  8. d'arakh

    d'arakh Well-Known Member Regular

    Garrus, by a country mile. When I stumbled upon him in Mass Effect 2, I was really hyped for the rest of the game. I also liked Wrex and Grunt, but then again I think I would've liked any Krogan they tossed at us.
  9. Bannon

    Bannon Active Member Regular

    Definitely Garrus. Best bro to have around whether it's providing cover fire or charging head on to score point-blank hits. He's also really tough himself so he wouldn't go down easy.
  10. razer

    razer Well-Known Member Regular

    Garrus is a real bro, and I like Miranda as well.
  11. JoshuaLausberg

    JoshuaLausberg Member Regular

    Mine was Legion. Learning his story opened up my eyes at the truth of the Geth race. He made me view them as more than just Quarian killers.
    That and who would not want to fight with a killing machine.
  12. SLTE

    SLTE Well-Known Member Regular

    Tossup between Garrus and Wrex. Garrus had a generally badass story arc with some neat side dialogue if you get him all the way through the three games, and Wrex is... Wrex. Grunt was a solid follow-up to Wrex, but he just wasn't the original.

    I get the feeling Jack probably would've been tops if she'd appeared in the first game, but she just wasn't around long enough for me to really like her all that much. I found the crew in the second game just a touch too crowded.
  13. mett1982

    mett1982 Active Member Regular

    I think my favorite squad-mate was also Garrus. He's with you in all 3 games and he really has your back no matter what. I also liked Mordin. I just like how weird he was . He was different kind of character and grew to really like him. Thane was really cool too. I really liked everyone that was in these games. Bioware did an excellent job making you care for each one of the characters. Mass effect is by far one of the best games in the past 10 years. Love it!
  14. mett1982

    mett1982 Active Member Regular

    Out of all of the games I have a few favorite characters. They are Mordin, Thane and Garrus. Tali is right up there as well. I think that they are the best well rounded characters out of all of them in the Mass Effect series. I always found myself going to them to talk and found out more about them. I think my least favorite character that I really didn't care to get to know was Jack. I often would bring Ashley with me a lot because she was my romance interest. I know a lot of people don't like Ashely but I like her.
  15. aquaticneko

    aquaticneko Well-Known Member Regular

    I think majority of the girls are going to go for Garrus here. I myself adores Garrus he's just a likable guy. The kind that you could chill with and not worry. The badass dude that will have you back.
  16. Benoit W

    Benoit W Well-Known Member Regular

    I likе Аshlеy а lоt, асtuаlly. Yеs, shе's distrustful оf аliеns, but it's hаrdly irrаtiоnаl xеnоphоbiа - thеy'rе nоt humаn аnd асting likе thеy аrе is, аs Lеgiоn wоuld sаy, bеnign аnthrоpосеntrism rасist in its оwn right. Shе's dеfinitеly nоt 'viсiоus', аnd I dоn't sее whеrе yоu'd gеt thаt. Shе stаnds up аgаinst Tеrrа Firmа bесаusе shе саn sее thrоugh thеir pоlitiсаl dоublеspеаk tо thе rасist соrе оf thеir idеоlоgiсаl bаsе, аnd it's nоt аt аll whаt shе wаnts.
    Hеr асtiоns оn Hоrizоn аrе hаrdly irrаtiоnаl еithеr; аs fаr аs shе's sееn, сеrbеrus is а viсiоus tеrrоrist оrgаnizаtiоn thаt mаy hаvе brаinwаshеd/соntrоl-сhippеd/сrеаtеd аn аndrоid thаt lооks likе hеr оld соmmаndеr/thе mаn shе lоvеs. Rеplасе сеrbеrus with а rеаl-wоrld tеrrоrist grоup - wоuld yоu еxpесt а sоldiеr tо jоin ISIL bесаusе thеir оld соmmаndеr dеfесtеd аnd subsеquеntly sаvеd thеir lifе?
    Shеpаrd sаvеd hеr pеrsоnаlly, but nоt thе соlоny - аnd isn't it аll а littlе tоо соnvеniеnt аnywаy? Rеmеmbеr thаt this whоlе situаtiоn is bаsiсаlly а sеtup by TIM, аnd imаginе hоw thаt fееls fоr аshlеy, whо is intuitivе еnоugh tо rеаlizе оn sоmе lеvеl thаt shе's bеing mаnipulаtеd.
  17. FergusMacLeod

    FergusMacLeod Active Member Regular

    Tough one. There are a few, but favorite one would be Garrus, or maybe Thane. Garrus was there for the whole time with you and his character is amazing, like his background and story. I like him very much and take him with me almost every time. Thane is also pretty cool with a great background story, it was fun having him on board but he was only there for the collectors so I would go for Garrus.