
What's the perfect length for an RPG?

Discussion in 'General RPG Discussion' started by lindbergh, May 14, 2014.

  1. lindbergh

    lindbergh Well-Known Member Regular

    RPGs vary in length. There are those that last about 30-40 hours, some last 70 hours, and some even go up to 100 hours. Of course, it also depends on your play style. You could either be the in-a-hurry type who rushes to beat an RPG as quickly as possible or you may be the care-free type who goes to every nook and cranny of each town and completes every miniquest and minigame there is. Anyways, what do you think is the perfect length for an RPG?
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  2. alexiskilgannon

    alexiskilgannon Well-Known Member Regular

    Honestly, I never pay much attention to the length of gameplay in games unless they are tremendously short. I like to get the most out of my games, so I don't mind having a large amount of hours come out of an RPG.
  3. lindbergh

    lindbergh Well-Known Member Regular

    Yep, I never liked a RPG either. However, I feel that I wouldn't want to spend over a hundred hours to complete one game alone. I think that the optimal length of an RPG is somewhere within the 50 hour mark. You won't get bored because of repetition of combat and the like.
  4. Jun Yun

    Jun Yun Well-Known Member

    The life of RPGs rely heavily on replayability and replayability means number of hours you can spend in game without getting board. So I'll have to say that RPGs need to be long enough, but not that boring along the way and has a great replay value.
  5. William Quah

    William Quah Well-Known Member

    Depends on the game itself. If the game's really good, naturally I wouldn't want it to end so soon but I also don't want it to last too long as to dragging out my interest. When the game's bad however, I wish that it'll end as soon as possible. I think the sweet spot for me would be 50 - 70 hours for the story.
  6. Lucky120

    Lucky120 Well-Known Member Regular

    I think that it just depends on the game really. If i like the game then I would play for hours and hours on in. I would say about 50-70 hours if it has an awesome storyline and everything else. I love RPG's, but there are some that do not have good storylines though.
  7. jbeavis100

    jbeavis100 Well-Known Member

    I'm not really sure, I'd say 30 hours but that's just me..
  8. Arya

    Arya Well-Known Member

    30 hours is a good length for me, but of course if the price is steeper, I'd expect more quality content to come with it too.
  9. KKrage

    KKrage Well-Known Member

    I don't pay attention to the time of gameplay. Usually it's around 60 hours if it's good.
    I don't play ALL the mini quests but only some to get extra gold or something.
    But to be honest, the best ones should be never. I mean, you could have a storyline, but after your storyline, you could do whatever you want and roam around cities.
    I hate games which a very short like Killzone.
  10. wowtgp

    wowtgp Well-Known Member

    There isn't such a thing like perfect length of a RPG. As long as the gameplay is action-packed and lore makes sense, I would take short RPG over a very ling one like Skyrim.
  11. Narukami

    Narukami Well-Known Member Regular

    I think 20 hours and up is good. I dunno if shorter than that would be a good length.

    The game has to have enough content for its length, that's what matters. The Shin Megami Tensei RPGs are very long, but they're full of content so it's not just repetitive crap. This is specially true for Persona in which you spend more time going through the story than grinding, so it doesn't become annoying to play even though those games take around 80 hours or more to beat.
  12. tinybutnotfangless

    tinybutnotfangless Well-Known Member Regular

    To me, the length is irrelevant, so long as there are different options and many many many branch-off points leading to a method to end the main story. Of course, I prefer open world semi/full sand-box games, which means more story arcs, more DLC's and mod availability can make the game more fun and more content-rich to play with. In other words, I can choose to skip a bunch of things and spend less than 20 hours to finish the main story or do many many many things and never really finish the main story, or finish the main story, but somehow the story continues to build beyond that with DLC's and such and such.
  13. troutski

    troutski Well-Known Member Regular

    I prefer RPGs that a longer rather than shorter. I have no problem investing 50+ hours into a game just to beat the main story. The more extra content and side missions there are, the more enjoyment I'll take from a given RPG.
  14. beccagreen

    beccagreen Well-Known Member Regular

    I don't think it has to have some sort of standard. Personally I think a game can be as big or as small as possible provided that it delivers the good. Take Assassin's Creed IV for example, I know it's not an RPG but that game is huge but boring, now compared to Skyrim, which is also huge but it's never boring because every side mission is interesting unlike in Assassin's Creed where every side mission is a filler.
  15. moneyman

    moneyman Well-Known Member Regular

    It is hard to say a suitable length for a game since games are quite different and there is hardly ever two exactly identical games. Every game has its pros and cons and therefore i would say that 100 hours is a suitable length, depending on a game of course.
  16. Kamarsun1

    Kamarsun1 Well-Known Member

    I like to rush and get finished as soon as possible, but my wife likes to get the most out of the game. She will take the time to beat every part of the game, even if it takes 100 hours.
  17. Cereus

    Cereus Well-Known Member Regular

    The least amount of hours for a good RPG should be 60 hours for there to be a good balance between gameplay and storyline...and this is just burning through the story alone the first time. Games that only have 20-40 hours for the first run tend to be subpar and severely lacking on average. For exampled I've burned through old JRPGs the first time in about 60 hours, but when I replayed them, doing all the side stuff and mini games, I easily got an extra 40+ hours from the game.
  18. Kittyworker

    Kittyworker Well-Known Member

    Depends on the type of RPG. There are action RPGs like the Diablo Franchise which can be pretty short because everyone expects to move on to the next difficulty level and replay the story. Other RPGs like Skyrim can likewise have a short main story because there are so many other things to do in the game. I don't think there is a perfect length to an RPG.
  19. Lucas

    Lucas Active Member Regular

    And that is my answer. I don't know even what can I add. I don't like short RPG games, I want it to be long and interesting. I'm not interested in playing the game which has terrible endgame content, only to add some more hours of playing. Skyrim was perfect. A LOT interesting and different quests. Brilliant.
  20. troutski

    troutski Well-Known Member Regular

    I have to disagree. Skyrim wasn't nearly as good as people make it out to be. It's a great game, but there were plenty of issues with the game.