
Well-Known Member
so everybody is talking about what they love about pvp but what do you dislike, what turns you off to pvp? Is GW offering attraction to the PvP to those of you who just straight up dislike PvP in general?


GW2PC Mod - Forever Unknown
I've always loved PvP. I would say the only thing i dislike about PvP would be instanced battle grounds it ruins the immersiveness of the game.


Well-Known Member
many games dont give you anything from PvPing (other than enjoyment of killing)

other thing that doesnt coirectlme from PvP dy but from the people that PvP is the seriousness and hate that turns in to... well you know :eek:


Well-Known Member
Only thing i dont like about PVP in MMO"s is the following situation:

When I get into combat 1:1; run circles around my opponent, *missed*/attacked 50 times, timed my abilities/combos perfectly, and hes keyboard turning at a grandma pace..... but i get one shot with his i win button spam because 1 of 2 things just happened.

1.) his class is currently a god mode gift from the dev's poor quality testing.
2.) he has been noob jail bait around in battle grounds for 60 days non stop with a 1k:50d ratio but managed to durp his way to max pvp stat armor.


Well-Known Member
Only thing i dont like about PVP in MMO"s is the following situation:

When I get into combat 1:1; run circles around my opponent, *missed*/attacked 50 times, timed my abilities/combos perfectly, and hes keyboard turning at a grandma pace..... but i get one shot with his i win button spam because 1 of 2 things just happened.

1.) his class is currently a god mode gift from the dev's poor quality testing.
2.) he has been noob jail bait around in battle grounds for 60 days non stop with a 1k:50d ratio but managed to durp his way to max pvp stat armor.

what about when he finishes it up with..... u mad? lulz.
1. really erks me, if this happens in GW2 ima rage quit or reroll as his profession and faceroll.


Well-Known Member
On the bright side - i think that gear will play a much less important role in GW2. They have mostly said as much and coming from GW1 i believe it.

Now.... class balance? That's so tough. It's a new MMO and looking at the very different ways people will have to play their toons there's a lot of strategy and team synergy that will produce FOTM's very quickly

(reference the thief class overview in the other forum video as an example of just how different two meele classes play styles were.


Active Member
What frustrates me most in PvP is my own lack of skill. I see what I have to do I just don't when it comes down to it, I get flustered or react to slowly. This also encourages me to try it more often though, as I don't like being bad at something. I usually leave matches feeling frustrated or depressed. In Guild Wars 2 I hope to fix this issue with myself through sheer practice.


Well-Known Member
What frustrates me most in PvP is my own lack of skill. I see what I have to do I just don't when it comes down to it, I get flustered or react to slowly. This also encourages me to try it more often though, as I don't like being bad at something. I usually leave matches feeling frustrated or depressed. In Guild Wars 2 I hope to fix this issue with myself through sheer practice.

I was the same on the reaction thing, there is really nothing you can do but practice. You literally have to start tweaking hard core to have lightning fast reaction times, if you don't enjoy it then you certainly shouldn't force yourself into it.
There is nothing i don't dislike. If i was forced to pick something it would be any sort of instanced PvP. I don't exactly dislike it but games that are heavily instances begin to bother me.


What I dislike about GW2's WvW is server v server. A GvG OWPvP server (preferably), or a FFA OWPvP server (secondly), would suit my interests more than the current iteration. I think it'll turn out okay, but I just feel it could be better if all your enemies were on the same server somehow.

My dislike of PvP, in general, is the attitude common among the players. Elitism is disgusting to me, and the word "annoying" doesn't even begin to describe the immaturity that runs rampant in PvP. Other than that... ;) Running with a small group, against all odds, and winning....?? Priceless.


Well-Known Member
atleast the whining in MMO PvP is more tolerable than in shooters where everyone who is doing good is either a hacker or a noob :cool:


GW2PC Mod - Forever Unknown
What I dislike about GW2's WvW is server v server. A GvG OWPvP server (preferably), or a FFA OWPvP server (secondly), would suit my interests more than the current iteration. I think it'll turn out okay, but I just feel it could be better if all your enemies were on the same server somehow.

My dislike of PvP, in general, is the attitude common among the players. Elitism is disgusting to me, and the word "annoying" doesn't even begin to describe the immaturity that runs rampant in PvP. Other than that... ;) Running with a small group, against all odds, and winning....?? Priceless.

I agree with the elitism, its annoying but you know whats even more great? When you beat a group of elitist. Ops. :p


I agree with the elitism, its annoying but you know whats even more great? When you beat a group of elitist. Ops. :p

Then you get hate tells which, if there was a "What do you love about PVP" thread, would be in my top 3. Definitely.