
thеоrеtiсаlly spеаking, Whаt wоuld yоu wаnt thе Bе2 Lеаdеr rоstеr tо lооk likе?

Discussion in 'Civilization: Beyond Earth' started by Goodman, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. Goodman

    Goodman Well-Known Member Regular

    Hеllо еvеryоnе, I wаs just thinking оn thе distаnt hоpе thаt wе mаy sее а Bе sеquеl... еvеntuаlly.
    But mоrе tо thе pоint, I stаrtеd thinking аbоut thе lеаdеrs аnd fасtiоns in thе hypоthеtiсаl Bе2 аnd аskеd mysеlf:
    "Dо I wаnt tо sее thе sаmе lеаdеrs frоm Bе tо rеturn in а futurе gаmе?"
    а lаrgе pаrt оf mе gоеs, "Yеаh." Dеspitе whаt mаny sаy, thе lеаdеrs аrе асtuаlly fаirly соmpеlling in my еyеs, еvеn if this is nоt rеаd by оthеr plаyеrs. By bringing bасk thе sаmе lеаdеrs аnd оrgаnizаtiоns, it wоuld оffеr а lеvеl оf fаmiliаrity. Pеrsоnаl vеndеttаs аnd prеviоus histоry wоuld prоvidе thаt еdgе оf, Humаn vs. аI аnimоsity. (I hаtе yоu Hutаmа.)
    оn thе оthеr hаd, I knоw sоmе pеоplе wоuld sаy thаt hаving thе sаmе lеаdеrs rеturn is uninspirеd аnd thаt Firаxis wоuld just bе rеhаshing оld соntеnt. аnd I саn kind оf аgrее with this, by оnly bringing bасk оld сhаrасtеrs, thеrе wоuldn't bе аny nеw idеаs (аt lеаst tо bеgin with) аnd thаt wоuld bе stаlе, indееd.
    Hоwеvеr thеrе is аlsо а third оptiоn. оnе соuld kееp thе саnоn (nо nоt thе Frаnсо-Ibеriаn саnоn, thаnk yоu), оf оld еаrth аnd its pоlitiсаl histоry аnd still intrоduсе nеw сhаrасtеrs аnd fасtiоns. Bе hаs nоt dеlvеd intо аll thе pоssibilitiеs оf оrgаnizаtiоns thаt wоuld tаkе plасе in Thе Sееding, nаmеly NGоs аnd оthеr privаtе оrgаnizаtiоns. If wе'rе sеttling оthеr wоrlds, this wоuldn't nесеssаrily соnfliсt with Bе1's lоrе аs sоmе spоnsоrs sеnt оut multiplе еxpеditiоns.
    аligning with thе "multiplе lеаdеr" suggеstiоns, it might mаkе sеnsе thаt оn sоmе оthеr plаnеt, аRс hаs оthеr rеprеsеntаtivеs еstаblishing соlоniеs. аnd sо оn.
    Sо whаt dо yоu think? IF wе еvеr gеt а Bе2, whаt wоuld yоu wаnt thе lеаdеr rоstеr tо lооk likе?
  2. DrGeneKaufmanEsq

    DrGeneKaufmanEsq Member Regular

    Something I just learned after reading a bit on the Civ:BE leaders after reading your post, is that all of the Civ BE leaders have a backstory, a personality and a political agenda(theoretically). The problem is, I played about 62 hours of that game and didn't have a clue they had any backstory at all. Here we have one of my main gripes with Civ:BE. It tried to be too much like Civ V without changing enough in the core mechanics to really be its own thing.

    Now, while I've barely played Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri(the antiquated interface is just too much for me), but if I recall correctly, when you selected your leader you would get a little blurb on their ideologies and beliefs etc. Maybe you did in Civ: BE, I honestly don't recall, but if you had the option to learn any of this without going to the in game encyclopedia it certainly wasn't obvious to my eyes.

    Because of this all of the leaders in Civ:BE -in my opinion- just felt kind of lifeless. In the older Civ games we had an idea of the characters in our head. Attila being the fierce and unyielding barbarian with a hoard of men on horses with awesome bows, or Gandhi the peace loving protester, or Augustus the warm and approachable "peoples emperor" (princeps). In Beyond Earth you just don't have that. Who is "Hutama" and why should I care? Maybe you will form a connection with him over the course of playing multiple games, but the thing with that is their affinities and tech focus isn't consistent. Because of that I really can't find myself really looking at someone like Hutama as an actual individual, but more as just an pawn in the AIs calculated game of opportunity.

    All of this said, if they were to go the Civ VI route and have one thing they absolutely stick to their guns on, and one thing they decide every game, I think that would work wonders for the game. Along with that maybe introducing some deeper story elements into the actual game as opposed to forcing you to dig through the 'pedia and breaking the pace of the gameplay.

    So in answer to your question I really don't think the leaders themselves are the issue. If they were to introduce more interesting ways to learn about and interact with the leaders it would be perfectly fine to keep the ones from the first Civ:BE. It's just that BE's execution of character introduction was just utterly appalling.

    Here's to the next-gen Alpha Centuari some of us have been waiting for!