Teemo as the ADR of the team

Discussion in 'League of Legends (MOBA)' started by mwin43587, May 28, 2015.

  1. mwin43587

    mwin43587 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2015
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    Does anyone here also play teemo as the ADR of the team? I love to use teemo as the ADR! Teemo is so perfect for the ADR role with his matching land mines.
  2. rightct

    rightct Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2015
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    His abilities aren't meant to be played as a potential ADC, and his range isn't a plus, either. Though people still play it on this role because it can and will be a pain in the *beep* with his annoying capabilities, haha.

    You would have more chances of winning the game if you played it like it was initially meant to: AP Top bruiser or Mid Lane mage ( though this one is kind of raged by people on some servers, since they don't consider it pertain to the current meta)
  3. FuZyOn

    FuZyOn Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    I don't think Teemo really fits the ADC role. There are a lot of better champions that do his work much better than him (Vayne for this instance).
    It's kind of gimmicky to play him as the ADC.
  4. Oddball

    Oddball Active Member

    May 28, 2015
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    I know that Teemo used to be run as the ADC of a team every now and then. His blind was pretty strong in the lane when basic AA ADCs were used more often. People like Ashe, Caitlin, Tristana, etc. But yeah, his range is the main problem. It's much too easy for just about anyone to smack Teemo down and knock him out of lane.
    Also his ultimate is much too strategical for a typical ADC. Most of them have lots of damage on their ults, or incredible utility (Corki and Ashe come to mind here). Teemo's range also really hurts him in team fights, as he needs to get pretty close to the enemy, and in doing so is close to throwing his life away-- Or at least making it hella difficult for his team to defend him.
  5. AmenoKaji

    AmenoKaji Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2013
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    Teemo can work as an ADC in lower tiers but you have to know what you're doing. There are so many other champions better for the role due to their kit but a properly played teemo can be quite the asshole. lol. As long as you have a strong support in lane, you can make it to mid game, you're usually good.
  6. mwin43587

    mwin43587 Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2015
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    Hi it's good to hear from people and fellow players :) Anyway I have been using teemo as the ADC :) his first kill can really hit so much with matching blind, can really annoy enemies if used the right way. By the way, I build AP items for him, I don't abuse his ult because I prefer to join and kill in clashes than planting bombs.