Relocating game files help

Discussion in 'Rift' started by KasunL, Jul 3, 2019.

  1. KasunL

    KasunL New Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    So I've been playing RIFT like year now, and I'm lvl60+. The other day I had to change my Laptop, so I needed to relocated RIFT game files to the new machine. I copy pasted it and made sure to check the game is in the Glyph's game path. When I boot up the game, I got the initial screen -- that pedestal like thing that your character stand on. But It seems it can't load my character, all I get is the background pic. No buttons or anything either. Rebooted many times and also redownloaded Glyph, no results.

    Anyone please know a solution to this, please??

    Kasun, Sri Lanka.